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I hummed to myself while rinsing off the soap from my body, the water warm against my skin. A quiet ring of my phone vibrated through the walls of the bathroom as I turn off the faucet.

Rightly guessed, my phone was ringing from the bedroom. I sped up my pace and quickly got the soap off my body before taking a towel and wrapping it around my body. Whoever was calling was so impatient that they kept on calling even after knowing that no one was responding. I almost tripped on the slippery floor as I was rushing out of the bathroom.

Muttering a curse word under my breath, I tip toed to my bedroom and made sure to wipe the wetness from my hands before picking up the call.

A notification lit up on the screen as I held the device in my hand. It read that I had four missed calls from Vincent. I narrowed my eyes as I stared at the screen. He didn't attended any of my calls the whole night and yesterday and now he kept on calling me again and again, even after knowing that I wasn't attending.

I tapped at his contact and placed the phone against my ear.

A frustrated groan left my lips as he again didn't attend my call.

"Fuck!" I tossed the phone on my bed in anger.

Why is he fucking ignoring me?!

My phone pinged up with another notification and I quickly picked up my phone and glanced at it with hope. A satisfied smile stretched across my face as it was a message from Vincent.

"Come fast at 316 4th, Pittsburgh. I want you here asap." My brows furrowed in confusion as I stared at the message.

If I remember correctly, it's Mars' address. Why does he wants to meet me there?

Judging by the tone this message was written in, I guess that this topic wasn't up for argument so sucking in all the questions I had in my mind, I made my way to the closet. I wore a grey stripped shorts with a baggy green hoodie. Slipping on my white campus shoes, I walked out of the house and asked one of Vincent's butlers to drop me to the address he texted me.

I bit my nails in anxiety as different scenarios as to why he must be wanting me to be at Mars house invaded my head. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't put one and one together.

It took alot of self convincing from me to accept the fact that let's leave the unknown on future and relax my raging thoughts.

After a drive of good fifteen minutes, I was finally standing infront of Mars' house. But what caught my attention was the deafening beeping of police sirens around his dwelling.

My stomach churned in dread as I saw a handful of cops marching into his house.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called Vincent. But as expected, he did not received it.

Releasing another groan of frustration, I pulled up my big girl pants and walked into the house.

There were very loud noises of yelling and screaming coming from his studio, which for a moment startled me as well. I jumped on my feet slightly as I heard someone roaring in protest.

Nonetheless, I followed those noises and entered his studio.

The very first person I noticed was Mars with bloodied face who was wriggling in the hold of two officers, yelling at someone. I followed his line of sight and my eyes widen ever so slightly as I spotted Vincent with bloodied knuckles, snarling at Mars.

To say I was confused at the moment would be the biggest understatement of the century. And that was the moment my eyes travelled around the room, as I took in the upside down condition of it. It appeared as if a tornado had hit it with bundles of photos and albums torned apart.

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