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I turned around in bed, basking in the warmth of the blanket that was cocooned around me. Just then everything that went down with me earlier today hit me hard. My eyes opened on its own, escaping the nightmare, hoping that once I will wake up all of this shit will go away. It would just reduce to a bad dream rather than reality.

As I opened my eyes, the darkness in the room indicated that it was almost night time now. I remember falling asleep with Vincent's arms wrapped around me but as I assessed the room, his absence stung me in the guts.

I scooted and sat up in the bed, my rapid breathing, the only sound audible in the dark room. As I registered the fact that Vincent wasn't around and I am most probably on my own in this room, I let my emotions take over.

When I first saw that sex tape on the school forum, it shook me to my core. The shock was so intense, that it wiped away all of my initial reactions. I was dealing with so many emotions at that time, I didn't know whether I should feel angry at the person who did this, or I should search for person keeping aside all my emotions or should I cry, but I don't wanted to become a laughing stock in the eyes of my own peer. So I sucked it all in and locked myself in the bathroom. Trying to channelise my hurt into anger and come back to face the world.

But as much as I wanted to control my emotions, I failed miserably. All of that leaving me numb to things around me. I couldn't think of anything but to go home and never come out of it. I don't want to face the world again. I can't....

A quiet sob left my lips as I felt negative emotions flooding my mind. One by one all the memories of what happened today, and what repercussions it could have started haunting me, leaving me a sobbing mess.

I tried to cover my mouth and suppress some of the loud ones, but it was only so much my trembling hands can control as soon I heard the sobs echoing in the dark room.

I lost the count of time as I sat there and mourned my lost dignity. I could never earn that respect back, I will be nothing better than a whore in the eyes of my fellows. And Vivienne?  What will she think of me? By now she must have also seen that video, what does she thinks about it? Does she hates me for lying to her and hiding my relationship from her? I knew it was a bad idea! I am such a terrible friend.

And now all of the campus has seen what I look like naked. They have seen all of me, without my permission. A loud sob escaped from my mouth as I realized all of the ways I could have stopped this. I shouldn't have indulged with Vincent.

But I never asked for anything like this!

After some time, I started feeling numb again. Till I could no longer feel the tears rolling down, I sprang up from the bed and made my way towards the kitchen. Judging by the pin drop silence that was in the house, I expected myself to be alone. And was fairly taken aback when I saw Rosa working in the living room.

As she spotted me, she quickly walked towards me, her eyes soft with concern.

"I cooked some chamomile tea for you. It will help you relax. Should I bring it to you?"

I stared at like a deer caught in headlight. Having no idea how should I react.

"C-Cool." I finally let out and plop down on one of the stools that was placed opposite the kitchen counter.

She poured the hot liquid in a porcelain cup and slid it to me. I picked it up and sipped the warm liquid. The strong essence of tea highly relaxing.

I saw Rosa went to the fridge and took out a pink colored box from there. "It's my daughter's birthday today so I baked a chocolate cake for her. Then I thought I should bring some for Mr. Richmond as well since he is the one who has been sponsoring her studies for past five years." She spoke as she walked towards me with the pink box in her hand. She placed it on the counter infront of me and turned back to me. "Would you like to taste it?"

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