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I waited outside the classroom for the swarm of students passing the threshold to settle in their seats. And the other reason being I wanted to walk with professor inside. And if I be truthful with you, I am actually waiting for him to arrive.

In my peripheral, I saw his silhouette turn the corner and entering the hallway. He had a couple of files in his hands, those filmsy  colourful plastic material looks like toys in his muscular hulk-y arms.

When he looked up, he met my eyes which were shamelessly gawking at him. A triumphant smirk curled up his lips, his baby blue orbs darkening as he took in my body, his eyes lingering on my curves. His gaze makes me feel desired, wanted but never disgusted. I would love to have him staring at me all day, and the best part is, I won't even get creep out.

Snapping my gaze away, I walked in the class just in time. Vivienne was absent today, courtesy another photoshoot. That only left me and Mars sitting alongside each other.

A couple of pleasantries shared between us, but my attention was quickly snapped to the front as Professor entered the class. The whole class went dead silent before they greeted him morning in unison.

Throughout the whole lecture, I felt his eyes on my face, throwing mischievous smirks at me occasionally, such a kid he was!

And I can't help but wonder that I had this man's fingers inside me just a day ago! Unbelievable.. how did I ever get this lucky?

Never have I ever imagined that such a painfully handsome teacher would show interest in me, an almost bankrupt singer from a seedy bar.

He gave me extra attention today, making sure I was getting each and every concept of human development index clearly. At some point I even started blushing because his actions were drawing too much attention to us. It felt like we were in our own world and not a classroom. But apart from all this, I really liked it!
Because it showed others, and especially Lavender and her sleazy girl gang, that who Professor was actually into.

Once the class ended professor spoke first, "Sorry students but I need to leave early today. I need to prepare for something special." With that he left. Leaving me blushing red, hot and bothered.

I almost forgot about our date tonight!

With his departure, the class erupted into murmurs and gossips and at first I thought to ignore them and leave already but Maya's next word stopped me.

"I bought a tie for him! It's from a new collection recently launched by Armani."

"And I thought a Caprese leather bag would be good!" Mia chimed in.

"That's so feminine for him.." Betty rolled her eyes and both Maya and Betty laughed at her flustered face.

"I swear it's from gents collection!"

All this while, Lavender was glaring daggers at me, with a dark scowl etched on her face.

Well this is confusing, I immediately went up to them and took a seat besides Karl, "What you guys are talking about?"

"You don't know?" Both Mia and Maya gasped.

"What?!" I bemoaned getting restless with this mystery already.

"Today's professor Vincent's birthday!" And with that ladies and gentlemen, I gasped the loudest I had ever in my entire existence.

How could I not know?

"And we have bought gifts for him," Saying that Mia turned around and pulled out a shiny brown leather bag which looked durable and screams luxury.

"Is this fine Audrey?" Mia asked me, looking at her expensive gift with uncertainty.

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