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"Vivienne please stop!" I pleaded to a heavily drunk Vivienne who was on her second bottle of alcohol. I proceeded to snatch the bottle from her hand, but before I can take another step towards her she smashed the glass bottle against the marbled floor. The fragile glass broken in small pieces littered the floor as I took in the condition of her house.

The coffe table was thrown upside, thankfully it's glass didn't break due to fluffy carpet beneath it, red wine stained couches and shards of glasses littering the floor. I pulled at my hair in frustration before rushing to stop Vivienne from opening a new carton of beer cans.

I pulled at her arms, trying to drag her away from the living,"Vivienne stop! You've had enough for today."

She yanked her arms from my grip, yelling at top of her lungs at me to stop bothering her before fisting her disheveled hair in frustration. I saw in guilt as tears leaked her eyes, loud sobs leaving her mouth, her chest puffing out as she got breathless from throwing a fit,"Why do you care if I die! I wish I could." My heart ached as I witnessed her breaking into cries, her whole body vibrating with the intensity of her laboured breathing.

Without thinking twice I rushed to her and wrapped her in my arms as she cried on my bosom. "I wish I could just die. Who wants me here?" My blood ran cold at I took in her confession,"I am just so useless. I am a burden on my own mother," She shook her head frantically.

I instantly pulled her and held her shoulders giving it a hard squeeze,"You know why I am here right now? When you know I have too big of an ego to accept anyone's help?"

She didn't respond instantly, instead wiped the tears away from her cheeks, her slanted eyes squinted as she looked at me with a pleading look, "Do you know you are the most special person for me in the world? Do you know you are all that I have in this world." I shook her arms violently," You talk about dying? Do you know how much hurt those words made me feel? My only bestfriend who I cherish like my own family wants to die because she thinks she is useless!" By now I was full on yelling at her, desperate for her to know how much I love her. She is more than a sister to me.

"I am sorry Vivi that I don't say it often but I-I genuinely love you like my own sister. For me you are like a family, and if I ever get a choice, I would choose you over anything this universe has to offer me. You are that important to me." I pulled her in a hug. Unable to deal with the wave of emotions surging through me. I just want to make her see how important she is to me. How I wish I can be some one for her so she is not alone, so she can be alright.

I thought by now she would calm down or pass out due to amount of alcohol she had downed in past two hours. She has been constantly drinking ever since Aella left, when I asked her about her sudden change, she didn't reply me directly instead asked me to join her too. Which I refused and looking at the mess she is  right now, I am glad I turned her offer down earlier.

I ran my fingers through her hair in order to calm down her hysteric sobs, which was continuously falling from her lips,"You think I am upset because of mom?" She suddenly spoke taking me by shock.

"Yes?" I asked, unsure.

She shook her head, pulling from my embrace and wiped her tear stained cheeks again, hiccuping violently. I rushed to kitchen and opened the fridge in order to find some sort of beverage but came empty handed when I found dozen of liquor bottles there instead of water. Shutting it close, I pulled a mug from cabinet and filled it with tap water. I walked back to her and offered her the cup. She looked between the cup and me, not making any move to accept it. Instead she walked upstairs to her room, as I followed her closely.

Opening the door to her safe haven as she puts it, she took a seat at huge wooden recliner set infront of the huge window giving a view to her garden which was right now dipped in darkness. She rested her head against the recliner, the chair rocking back and forth with her body. Her breathing uneven with hiccups as she tried to calm herself down. I waited for a moment or two and saw as she broke into sobs again. Tears leaked her eyes as she squeezed them shut. Her lips quivering as her nostrils flared with harsh sobs. I approached her instantly, forcibly pushing the cup in her hands, urging her to drink from it.

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