chapter one

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I feel really warm. Almost too warm. Why is my room so hot? I try to roll and i feel a body so I try the other way. Ugghhh. Another body. I love cuddling with my boys but sometimes its just too hot. Gabe's hand slides down my side and rests on the edge of my hip. His fingers move and he mumbles. Must be another Gabe concert in his dreams. I smile softly. The last 5 months have been amazing. Since that first kiss with Sean it seems like all of the boys have taken time to kiss me more intimately. But every time I think its going to go further they just stop. Its driving me nuts. Ive told them all that i love them now. Each in our own quiet moment. But still after kissing and maybe some light touching then clam up. Gabe's fingers start drumming my hip again. I wonder... Since moving in with Nathan my bed is bigger. Its his bed. Nathan had a job last night and is staying with victor. 

I slowly slide my hand up Gabe's leg to rest on his hip. His fingers drum a little faster. I drum mine on his. He stops and murmurs in his sleep. He drums again. I return the action. His hand tenses on my hip then slides to my back to pull me close. When he has me snugged against his front he drums on my spine. It gives me a chill but I drum back on his spine. I can feel the hot hard length of him against my stomach. I press into him and he exhales harshly.

"Trouble stop."

I freeze. When did he wake up? I know the only way to get this ache cured and move forward with the boys is to brazen my way through. Taking a deep breath I reply.

"Why Meanie? I was just starting to enjoy myself."

He exhales harshly once again. I can feel how tense he is. 

"Trouble there are moments when its harder to control myself... Waking up pressed against you fuc***g body is one of them. So please hold still and give me a minute to calm down."

"Meanie I don't want you to calm down. I want you to ... Well I want... Ugghhh. Why can't I just say this. Gabe I want more that just kisses or hugs. I want more."

"Fu** Trouble. I didn't know. We didn't know. We were trying to go slow so we weren't pressuring you. Damn! Trouble are sure this is what you want? I mean like really sure? BC once we go all the way we can't take it back!" 

"Gabriel I'm sure. I've been sure for a couple months now and didn't know how to tell any of you."

"Cupcake you do realize what your asking for right?"

I'm jarred for a moment. I didn't realize Luke was awake too. I feel him snuggle up to my back and rest a hand on my stomach.

"Yes Luke. I do. I don't want to do everything right this minute but I would like to go further than just kissing with all of you." I know my face is scarlet right now. At least its dark so they can't see me. "I'm ready for more. Can you show me what more is?"

"Fu** yeah. Trouble we will show you what ever you want."

Luke begins to kiss my neck. Gabe kisses my face. I feel both their hands roaming my body. I didn't mean both at the same time but there is no way I'm stopping this. God I feel amazing. Slowly a hand glides down my stomach and into my shorts. Its over my panties but it still feels amazing. It begins to rub over me and I realize that its touching something important. With a gasp my back arches. Gabe chuckles before moving my tank top down. His mouth latches onto my breast. I can't think! There is to much going on. I reach behind me and feel up Luke's leg till I get to his hip and then I feel down to his ... My god that thing is huge. Its soft and hard at the same time. I begin rubbing it and he hisses against my neck. Reaching forward I feel for Gabe. I rub down his chest till I get to his. What do they feed these academy boys. While Luke is long Gabe is wide. My hand almost doest fit around it. Gabe puts a hand over mine to teach me the rhythm he likes. I match Luke to Gabe's rhythm. Luke's hand lift off me long enough to push my shorts and panties down then his hand is right back making me tense up. 

"Are you close?" I hear Luke murmur.

"Yeah. Let's get her there first." Gabe replies then goes back to my breasts.

Luke applies a little more pressure and his rhythm increases. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Yes.

I feel like I'm erupting and I cry out as Luke and Gabe do the same. 

"Shhh ohhhhh trouble. We love you. Are you alright?"

I realize he is speaking to me as I float down from orgasm heaven. 

"I'm great. I feel like I can fly right now."

Luke chuckles and Gabe soon joins in.

"So that was okay then?"

"It was fantastic Trouble."

"I feel great Cupcake. But ummm we might want to wash the sheets before Nathan sees them."

Gabe starts chuckling but I freeze up. Are the others going to be mad. Will they hate me? They can't all be my first. What should I do?

"Guys let's clean up and then get ready for school."

All three of us get up and start getting ready for the day. I strip the bed as the boys use the bathroom to change. I've got to talk to Sean and Owen. I have to!

We rush through the rest of the morning and head out to get in Kota's car. I am seriously on edge thinking about the other boys finding out. 

"Sang ...Sang!"


"Sorry I was talking to you and you were miles away in the sky. Hard morning?"

Luke and Gabe snicker in the backseat and I give them a look in the review mirror. 

"No just a lot on my mind. Do you mind walking me to Owens office when we get to school?"

I see Gabe and Luke tense up in the back seat. 

"Sure. Is something wrong?"

"No I just needed to speak with him for a moment."

"Can it wait till your lesson? We are running a few minutes late."

"That's fine." I look at him and smile. Kota is always so caring. He constantly tries to make sure everyone is okay. Its one of the first qualities that I fell for.

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