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                      ~North's POV~

       How are all these bone heads going to ask her to marry them if they can't even discuss it without fighting.  We only have about 20 minutes left before we have to be back out to our jobs.

"Enough." I roar.

     They blink at me and Owen tightens his jaw.

"Have any of you idiots realized that she only has one ring finger? She can't wear 6 rings. And how you ask only matters to you and her. If you can't discuss it calmly how do expect it to work?". The silence when I finish speaking is a bit unnerving. Their eyes begin to take in each other and some of the tension leaves the room.

" Mr. Taylor is correct." Owen says while cleaning his lenses. He sets them back on his nose and then continues. "We all love her and we live together.  How about we all ask her in our own way then get together with her and discuss the actual act of marrying. "

    I look around and see nods of the head and more tension eases from the room.

"Shit. We gotta go!" Nathan stands and grabs his bag. "North are you ready?"

"Yeah.  I'm ready." I glance at my brothers one last time before following Nathan out to the jeep. The other teams need the Denali's tonight so we are going old school in the Jeep. I love this thing. I will probably never get rid of it.

"Do you think she will say yes?"

   I glance at Nathan. I can read the fear on his face. It's been years and still his father and the rejection of his mother haunt him at times.

"She loves us man. Do you really think our Sang Baby doesn't want to marry us?"

"Then why aren't you doing it?"

     I pause for a moment. Unsure of the right words to answer with.

"I know she loves me. She knows I love her. I don't need a piece of paper to tell her that. She is my equal in all things. She balances me. Kinda like a compass my needle points her direction. I just have to stay true to my course and I will always find her." Sentimental sounding I know but its the truth.

"Damn." Nathan mumbles. "If you say shit like that to her she will never leave you." He quips and I feel a mild thump on my shoulder.

"I love her." I say again. Then I blast the radio. It's getting a bit mushy and I don't want to have that on my mind during a protection job. 

    Pulling up to the estate we show our creds at the gate and get sent around to the back. The guy at the gate told us to ask for Bruno. We've worked with Bruno before.  He walks out the back door as we climb out. We wave but continue getting our stuff ready. Nathan checks the small snub nose before putting it in his ankle holster as I do the same. Next comes our body protection.  We put on our holsters. Double mounts under our arms.  I slide an extra glock out and put it in my waist band at the small of my back.  I look over and Nathan shakes his head and locks the rest in the small safe mounted in the back of the jeep.  Bruno walks over and shakes our hands.

"You guys got moved to princess detail." He says.

"Bruno that wasn't the deal. I told you I didn't want to guard the brat."  We've guarded for this family before and their teenage daughter Crystal is a monster. I havent had to deal with her sice last year. She is around 18 by now and hopefully more grown up. Not enough spankings as a kid or something. She will throw a tantrum about anything.

"I know but I need to shift you there. Sven is out with a broken wrist and Joe is at his daughters wedding. Ben and Don are on another job.  And you know  I can't leave Brice with her. She will be naked and in bed in a matter of minutes. Since you both are in committed relationships I figured you were the best choice.  I've already spoken to the old man and told him the deal. You only have to play babysitter for two hours then her brother Alexander will be home and take over.  He doesn't play like mommy and daddy do with the little darling. And big brother said to tell you he will owe you one and you can tie her to a chair if she gets to out of hand."

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