chapter 3

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 Luke's POV

Everything. She told him everything? Oh God he is going to cut our nuts off and feed them to rabid squirrels. Hang us by our toes dip us in honey and let ants eat us. Cut off our hands...

"She was very happy. But extremely worried about the consequences this could have with the other boys."

Wait. So he isn't mad? I'm kinda feeling a little lost.

"Well sh**. We aren't going to tell anyone. That's Trouble and Our fuc***g business." Gabe always has a reply. He needs to shut up so I can figure out if we are in trouble.

"Mr. Taylor would you like to add anything?"

"No Sir."

"Are you sure Mr. Taylor."

"Mr. Blackbourne we waited till she asked. We love Sang and wouldn't push her..... But it was amazing." God her hand had felt magical. I can't wait to try something else. The things... I realize that while I had been daydreaming Gabe had told him about this morning. 

"Sorry Sir. You were saying." PAY ATTENTION LUKE! Gabe elbows me and winks. He knows what I was thinking.

"Boys its time to really pay attention. I didn't think she was ready for this but with us sleeping next to her and holding her all the time we skipped a couple steps. Sang is aware of herself and us more than normal. She notices things faster than most people. Although she has been extremely sheltered she has had to grow up quickly. This will put her in an unbalanced position. She knows she wants more but doesn't know what "more" is."

"That's what she said this morning." I state quickly. I have no problem teaching Sang how to read her body. I want to read it everyday. 

"Miss. Sorenson will be staying at my home this evening. Both Dr. Green and Myself will discuss the changes with her that are happening within our group and herself." I will need to have a family meeting this evening at..."

"Can we do it at Victor's?" Gabe rushes to ask. I look at him for an answer but he just gives me a shake. He will fill me in later.

"Thats fine with me. Mr. Taylor are you working this evening?"

"No sir. We are all off from the diner this evening. North and Silas have that marina job but shouldn't have to be there till 10 or 11. I believe everyone else is off tonight but may have some jobs tomorrow." I answer still thinking over everyone's schedules.

"Okay I will see you all at 8."

"And boys.."

"Yes sir" we answer quickly.

"You did well with Miss. Sorenson this morning. It must have been very tempting to have taken it further. Yet you both stopped. I am very proud of the love and restraint you used. We must be careful with her."

We both nod and say thanks. As we walk out the door I turn to Gabe.

"Why Victor's?" 

"Sang has plans to stay there tmrw night. We need to talk with Victor and I need to make sure she has clothing there." He grins at me and I realize what he is up too. 

~Owens POV~

Pinching the bridge of my nose i close my eyes abd tip my head back. I knew there were going to be hard moments. But listening to Mr. Coleman describe the events of this morning was frustrating. Damn now I'm hard. I had to stay sitting the entire time so I wasn't sporting a hard on for the them to see. They see me as a big brother. Someone who they can go too. I need to maintain my poise when they are around. 

This evening was definitely going to be interesting. And tough. How do I keep from getting a boner in front of our delicate girl. I don't want to scare her... My message alarm sounds on my phone.

Gabe :Mr. Blackbourne I will bring an overnight bag to Victors for you to take to Sang.

Mr. B: thank you Mr. Coleman. I will inform Miss. Sorenson.

I smile. They are always thinking of each other. I love my family.

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