chapter 25

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Sangs POV~

Gabe is quick about picking stuff and before I realize it he is sending me back out to the sidewalk with the others. Seeing Owen and Sean sitting on a bench I go sit down on Sean's lap. Good lord I bet my face is red. I cuddle into Sean's chest and he wraps an arm around me and plays with my hair. The tone of the boys laughter and conversations lulls me and I start to drift off. 

"Nasty b***h! She just didn't know when to stop." Glancing up quickly I see Meanie come through the doors carrying several bags. 

"What's wrong Gabe?" Luke asks while smiling. Looking to me I shake my head at Gabe but he smirks. 

"Trouble making people fall in love everywhere we go! It would be fine if they would take NO for an answer!" The boys errupt in laughter and I groan and hang my head.

"Do I need to go set the f****r straight?" North booms. 

"Aggele shouldn't have to put up with men treating her that way!"

I try to bury my head further into Sean's shoulder because I know what is coming next.

"Oh I'm not sure how you would handle this one North. It was a woman."


Everyone is speechless for a moment before the entire group once again begin laughing. I'm not finding this hilarious at all. Owen looks to me and even though I see a smirk he isn't laughing. I blink quickly and pout my lip. I see his eyes twinkle and I know he wants to laugh. 

Clearing his throat he speaks "If everyone is ready why don't we head to the house?"

We slowly make our way to the cars. I'm between Luke and Victor. Both are holding my hands. It feels so good to just relax and enjoy ourselves. Luke let's my hand go and wraps an arm around my waist. 

"Well Cupcake we are all under one roof... Are you happy?"

"I couldn't be happier Luke." I feel myself tear up a little and shake my head. I don't want to cry tonight. "Thank you Luke. Thank you for loving me enough to let me love everyone."

"Forever and always Cupcake! But its not completely about you... I love Gabe like I love you. How could I make you choose when I can't. It was killing me until you found out and was okay with it. Its the same for all of us. We love each other. Some as brothers and some as more." His cheeks turn a little pink when he says this. Victor releases my hand I and I wrap my arms around Luke! He scoops me up and carries me the rest of the way to the car. These boys are amazing! I couldn't imagine my life without them. 

~Sean's POV~

I'm so nervous I can hardly stand still. Pacing back and forth around my room. I have on my favorite purple silk boxers and my robe. I want to go to them but I just can't. Owen and I have only done this once before. I don't want to do this then him freak out again. It would kill Sang. She would blame herself. Its Owen and his head. He just can't shake his Dad's voice out of his head. 

I hear knocking... I don't have time to talk to the boys right now. I continue to pace. Once again they know and I ignore it. 

"Sean? . S**t its Owen. Rushing to the door I throw it open. He stands there in a black silk robe staring. " Did you need something Owen?"

"You" I'm shocked. I'm not sure how to respond... He must have read it on my face. 

"I have shared everything with you Sean. Since we were boys you have helped me past hurdle. I know im head of this family but its only because you have been beside me every step of the way. You let me bounce ideas off you, freak out in front of you, it was you who pulled me from my dark moments, you who taught me to love again, again it was you who helped me deal with my father. Its always been you Sean. Your my brother in every way but blood. Will you help... Will you... God Sean I can't do this without you. I can but it won't be the same. The last time it wasn't the right girl. But Sang... Sean Sang is the right one. She loves us. We love her and its right. Will you help me?"

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