chapter 44

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North's POV~

The energy backstage is astounding. People running back and forth. Light hands and sound people doing last minute checks. I'm nervous and I'm not even going on stage. I hope Gabe will be ready soon. I see Ryan one of the Anderson team with his security T-shirt and nod. I settle a little bit. I can't wait to bust Corsair. That nasty bastard needs to go down. I hope the five kids are okay. That doctors kid Josh is the oldest of the 5 and from his personal records he seems to be a good kid. Smart... Thinks well on his feet. I hope he is okay. 

"Mr. Taylor please come escort Mr. Coleman and the band to the stage." I hear Owen in my ear piece and head to Gabe's room. He was in full rocker gear earlier. He hasn't done his makeup yet but he looked good. Luke kept grinning and dazing out every time he looked at him. I'm proud of Luke. Being who you are at our age can be terrifying but Luke and Gabe make it look like child's play. Gabe has always had a happy bubbly personality but with Gabe and Sang he near shines like the sun. I still want to smack him sometimes but hey he's my older little brother. 

When I get to the room the door bangs open and out walks Gabe. He is wearing dark blue jeans, combat boots, a vee neck white tee shirt with black vest and a tin of silver chains around his neck. I can see one that says Trouble and I know he raided Sangs jewelry box. His hair is a mess of stylish waves. His eye makeup is heavy and he is wearing lip gloss. 

"Really? Lip gloss?" I ask with a smirk.

"We want attention on my right? I gotta present by best assets!" He winks. He shakes his hands out and see a whole bunch of silver bands on his fingers. His nails are painted orange with a small pink heart on his ring finger. He can't help but smile. He is taking baby on the stage with him in a way. 

As Nathan leads the way Axel and the boys emerge from the room next. They are all appropriately dressed. Raven isn't even wearing a shirt. He smirks and bliws me a kiss. Kayli comes out last and she is rocking the whole metal look. Tight black jeans, heeled boots and an off the shoulder red top with black tank top underneath. 

"How's Sang?" She asks.

"Good. She's out of town this weekend. She'll be sorry she missed seeing you."

"I'll try to call her this week and maybe we can get some Taco's or something." She grins at me and takes her place beside the stage. Corsair makes his way out.

"We have a treat for you tonight. I recently made the acquaintance of an amazing singer and I convinced him that he had to come and put a spell on you. So tonight I introduce Gabriel and Voodoo!" There is wild applause. Gabe runs out to the stage and gets the Mic. As everyone takes their places I can feel the tension of the crowd. I hope Gabe brought his "A" game tonight. The stage dims and a lone light blasts across Gabe. And he croons into the mic. One line and the place is silent. 4 lines and they are enthralled. By the time Gabe is to the chorus the crowd is eating out of his hand. I watch as he sways their emotions from one song to the next. He really is magician. They are so caught up in his web the spider could eat them and they wouldn't care. I watch Corsair closely and you can practically see the dollar signs in his eyes. To bad this isn't what Gabe wants with his life. He could be a real star. 

"Everyone is in postion. We move once their set is done." I hear everyone respond to Owen and I turn back to the stage. One more song from the preset 5 and we are a go. 

As Gabe belts out the last Song the crowd is going wild and I can see the biggest smile on Gabe's face. He loves this. 

"..... Thank you..... Thank you..... You guys are f*****g awesome! Thanks for letting us play along tonight!"

Gabe is giving Axels team time to leave the stage and get in position.


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