Chapter 65

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               I just want to say thank you to some of you!  I'm so thankful to have met you. And so proud of every accomplishment you Achieve. There will always be the crazies in this world but you girls are for real!   You always encourage me and lift me up, You never let me down,  You laugh and  joke and play, giving this Momma a place to relax from the craziness that is life and the doctors office.   About twice a year my mother will ask "Where is your life at?" . in the last year when all this mess with my heart has been going on i am still able to say "Its good. It's full. With my loving husband, my amazing kids, and my awesome friends.  It's good. My life is good.". I heard a preacher once say if someone says their life is perfect they are lying. You can be great, good, working on it, and awful but no one is perfect."  Its during this time of illness that i finalky understand what he means. My life may not be perfect but the good and the love far out weigh the bad and ugly.  So to my haters i ask you to smile.  There is never a reason to fight and be ugly. I have learned this the  hard way.  We should enjoy everything God gives us! And to my dolls I send you hugs and Kisses!   You are amazing and I love you. God knew just what I needed when he put you in my life!  Now on to the story.... And this next part is for a few birds who are  pretty special. You are amazing with your positive comments and kind words. Never setting the ugly on display. Thanks Ash and D you are the best!

                       ~Sang's POV~

        The warm sun feels good coming in the window.  Realizing that I'm not going to get anymore reading done today I put the book down and turn fully in the window seat. This week has been pretty busy and the boys are in and out.   I haven't had many missions this week and I'm enjoying the quiet. The last couple months have been one upheaval after another.   Thinking back over it I can't feel anything but blessed. My family is together and they are are happy. That is what matters most.   I feel my phone vibrate and check it.

Kayli:  can you help me with a project?  Gabe is busy and I need some fashion advice.

Sang: sure. when?

Kayli:  is tonight to soon? I kinda waited to long!

Sang:  let me find out if I have plans ;)

  Walking from the family room to the kitchen I hear Luke.

  "What's up sugar?" He says before I'm even fully in the roon.

"Do I have plans tonight. I don't think I do but I need to make sure. Where is Owen?"

"He's in his office. He was filing paperwork from all the jobs we have been doing. Go interrupt him." I kiss him as I walk by and he continues doing what ever it was that he was doing.

      I wander to Owens Office.  And stand in the doorway watching him frown over some paperwork.  He always looks so put together. I love being able to see him with his tie askew and his sleeves rolled up.  Owen is epitome of perfection except he's not. A walking contradiction is what he is.  To look at he is perfect but if others could see the fire that rides just below the surface they would be shocked. I smile thinking of that fire.

"Are you going to stand there all day or are you coming in?"

"I was enjoying the view. What has you all cranky?"

"Just a Job that they want done and I'm not sure who to send. With Kota busy with his job I need to hand this one out. Victor and Gabe are with him.  He always knows exactly who to give them too. "

"What is it.?"

"Its a snatch and grab. I know I need to send Luke but he will need a helper."

"I can go with him."

"No no, Axel has requested your help with Kayli and Brandon.  Gabe can't do it BC he is with Kota for another couple of hours. Besides he's grabbing a person not a thing. It's a custody thing and he mom has taken off with the son. But her boyfriend is a drunk and is helping to hold the boy.  So I need someone quiet to go with him."

"Nathan is the best to go with him or Silas. For all of his fear of breaking things he is exceptionally light on his feet."

"Nathan is going on a protection job this evening with North. I think it will have to be me or Silas." He sighs.

"What's Sean doing tonight?"

"Hospital. He is almost ready to quit and open his family practice. The hours are draining him."

"And You?"

"I may go along with Luke and Silas as a third set of eyes on their mission."

"Well I guess I will text Kayli and let her know..."

"Already done.  They are on their way. And try to be nice to Brandon. I know he irritates you but you and Kayli aren't easy for him either. "

"Yes, master oh glorious one!" I smirk.

"You sassy little.... Get over here."

"Yes sir."  I giggle as I walk over and plop onto his Lap. I have missed this.  He wraps his arms around me and breaths deeply against my head.

"It's only been a couple of days and miss you like crazy.  We need to make time again.  All of us!"

"It has been busy this week. I miss you guys.  Can we have a family this weekend?"

"Sunday. I will let everyone know and have Sean see if he can bend his schedule."

"Good." I sigh and relax into him. He is texting all of the information to the others in a group text. I feel his lips playing along my hair line and I wiggle as close as I can get.  My body relaxes and I realize that I'm dosing off.

      I'm startled awake by the door slamming open!

I sit up straight and blink quickly to focus on the door.

"Are you ready Sang?"  Kayli bounces into the room.

"Let me grab my bag." I say as I get up. Kayli swings herself into a chair facing the desk and looks at Owen.

"Soooooooo Owen how's it been. Oh sorry Mr. Blackbourne." It takes everything in me not to giggle. She really does love messing with my boys.

  I slip out quickly and  race to my room for my small purse.  I grin as I think of Kayli bugging Owen.  I look down and race back into the room.  I slide on a pink maxi with white flip flops and a white tank.  I want to be comfortable but still cute. I glance in the mirror and run a brush through my hair then twist it up letting my ends fall around the back.  Swipe on some tinted gloss then hit the door at a run.  When I make it to the office I see Brandonsl's big head self standing there. He's always so serious. Takes the fun right out of any situation.  Kayli says he's her Owen. 

"Hello Brandon." I say softly. That need to please jumps through me and I have to fight it down.

"Hello Miss. Sorenson."

"Sang Brandon. After all this time you should call her Sang." She chuckles then takes his hand and drags him out.  "We will meet you in the car. By Owe... Mr. Blackbourne." She throws over her shoulder

   Owen walks towards me and wraps me in a hug.  "I love you my Rose. Be safe and call if you need anything. " he walks me to the car and waves as we pull away.

                       ~Owen's POV~

Owen:  tonight at 6. Stop everything and don't be late. It needs to happen quick so we can go back out on jobs   Luke & Silas we have a new one. Everyone else you are to go back or your jobs after the meeting. North & Nathan you will be on a protection detail.  Sean you are to attend the meeting then rest.

    As my phone chimes all their responses I can't help but smile.  I am excited like school boy excited to ask her. Finally things are coming together.

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