chapter 6

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Norths POV~

Something is bothering my Sang Baby. He was off all day. It wasn't like she was angry or sad... It was more like she had something on her mind all day. If she would just tell me I would fix it for her. And then there is Luke and Gabe. Sh** those little bastards are up to something. They have been smiling and whispering all day. I'm going to end up killing them if they do something stupid. I love them but they are driving me crazy lately. 

Finally I see Mr. B and Dr. Green come through the doors. They sit down at the table and we all join. I hope nothing bad happened. 

"First I want to start this off by saying Miss. Sorenson is fine. She was going to make herself a snack and take a bath. I can see the worried frowns and I want you paying attention not worrying about her. Second I want all of you to pay attention. I need to make this quick."

"Yes sir." Several of the guys reply. I sit quietly and wait. Something is going on and I want to know what.

"Miss. Sorenson came to me today a little worried and a little excited."

"What's wrong with Baby?" 

"Well Mr. Taylor it seems Bab.. Miss Sorenson is ready to move our relationship forward. And she has already started this with some of you. She seemed very happy and well satisfied but she had some concerns."

Fu**! Who is doing things with baby? I know we all agreed to share her but FU**!!! Everyone is talking and speaking over everyone else.

"Who has she done stuff with her?" I demand coldly.

The boys instantly quiet. 

"Mr. Taylor I believe that's between her and them. She has some other concerns we need to concentrate on."

"No I want t.."

"Mr. Taylor we will revisit this but right now we are going to deal with her concerns."

~Owens POV~

I'm going to be here all night at this rate. As soon as I announced it he got angry. If we are going to make this work he is going to have to get his attitude under control.

"What are her other concerns?" Victor asks me softly.

"At this moment she is not ready to have Sex with anyone. She is new to the physical side of relationships. However she enjoys it. While talking to me earlier today she made it clear that she has enjoyed everything that has happened so far." I see both Gabe and Luke grin and look at each other. "However she wants us to be comfortable also."

"What do you mean?" Kota responds instantly.

"Sang has experienced personal moments with more than one of you at a time. She enjoyed it immensely. However she is worried about how some of you will respond once you know this. She says she is fine just being with us one on one but she would also like to continue with more than one if we are okay with that." I'm glad Sean answered this one. All of the boys are quiet look like they are thinking about what this except Mr. Taylor and Mr. Coleman. Those two look like they are planning something. What are they up too?

"So you are telling me that someone has already put their hands on baby and more than one someone at a fuc**** time?"

"North that's what he just said! Pay attention! This means Aggele is ready to start experiencing this deliciousness!" Mr. Korba let's out a booming laugh and Mr. Taylor shakes his head. Mr. Griffin and Mr. Lee are both very quiet and in their own worlds. Mr. Morgan is watching Mr. Taylor and Mr. Coleman. There is something going on there but I'm not sure what. I glance at Sean and he taps his watch. Its already been over an hour since I last saw Miss. Sorenson and I am ready for more. If Sean is going to join us then I need to move this along. 

"Do you mean like more than one of us at a time during sex?" Mr. Griffin looks a little shaken and slightly confused. I glance at Sean and see he is ready to answer this one.

"Our girl is open to all types of love from us. Without going into to much detail I can assure you that she has already had one very physical interaction with 2 of you at once. She says it made her feel cherished and loved to be so open with more than one of you. That's a very good thing in my opinion."

"But she is okay with being with just one of us right?" Mr Lee looks a little lost.

"Mr. Lee she is perfectly happy spending time with just one of us or several. And this is not something we have to jump into. Like stated before. She is new to all of this. As are some of you. So take it slowly with her. Be careful of her feelings and your brothers and enjoy this new aspect of our relationship." I glance at my watch and realize time is quickly slipping by.

"Does anyone else have questions?" I wait for a response. "No? Good. We will see all of you on Sunday at Mr. Griffins for Family day. Mr. Morgan I will be dropping Miss. Sorenson off here tomorrow at 11 am."

He barely acknowledges me. He is listening to whatever Mr. Taylor and Mr. Coleman are saying. Sean just shakes his head and starts to leave when Mr. Coleman hollers at me.

"Oy! Mr. Blackbourne I packed an overnight bag for your house. Tell trouble everything she needs is in the bag." He chuckles as walks over to hand me the bag. 

"Goodnight boys" Sean yells as he Hurry's from the room.

Once we get to my car he shakes his head and laughs. 

"I thought North was going to explode when he found out someone else has already been playing in our girls panties!"

"Really Sean!"

"What? What would you call it?" He responds cheekily! 

I can't help but smirk. "Sean things are about to get very intense. I am a little worried about some of the boys."

"Owen why worry? Sang is becoming more self assured every day. Today is proof of that. She will bring the shier ones forward slowly."

"Sean are you okay with tonight?"

"I have to be at the hospital by 11 so if I can spend a little time with her I will be happy."

"I want to get my mouth on her Sean. Every time she squirms its all I can think about. I don't want to scare her though."

"She's ready Owen. Just try to tone down the bossy bit till she is more comfortable."

"I'll try."

"So Chinese or Burgers?"

"Your right hit drive through and let's get home. I can't wait to spend time with our girl. And you too Owen.... I've missed you."

I'm stunned. I didn't think he ever thought about that night. I'm not sure how to respond so I don't. I need to get home quickly. I'm hard as a rock and need to taste Miss. Sorenson. God I bet she tastes like candy!

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