chapter 54

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Victor's POV~

I hold myself stiffly. My body hurts but I want to enjoy this. 

".....Its the goooooood ship lolllllly Pop...." 

My head whips up and I stiffle a groan when I see my beautiful girl dressed like Shirley Temple. I smile. Oh my God what is my princess doing? I watch as her and Kayli sing songs from Shirley temple movies and dance all across the stage. As they go smoothly from song to song i realize the time and effort that was put into this. My throat feels thick and ny eyes start to tear up. I clear my throat and surreptitiously wipe my eyes but Owen sees me. He nods once in understanding and squeezes my hand. When they are finally finished they stand back to back with their arms open grinning. I stand and clap. That beautiful sexy woman loves me. Luke is next to me that moment pulling me onto the makeshift stage. Kayli one arm hugs me and then Sang is in my arms. 

"Are you okay? Really okay?" I hear her whisper.

"I'm fine princess. Nothing a massage and some hot tub time won't cure. And your kisses of course." She lays a kiss on me and I don't want it to end. I hear a roar and realize its all of our guests yelling and clapping. Her cheeks turn pink as I lean back to look at her. I hear a strange sound a d see the guys rolling a piano towards me. Is that... Oh my god it is! I can no longer hold the tears back and hey flow unchecked down my face. I white handkerchief is thrust in my face and I grin as Owen shakes his head. 

Its beautiful. The old patina of years gone by... The beautiful ascroll work and delicate rose cut embellishments.... Its perfection. 

"We will have one last song from the birthday boy himself." Luke announces and I'm pushed into a bench behind the piano. I'm so chocked up I can't speak. I rest my fingers on the keys and they play. Its off their own accord I have no control. The dips and whirls of the song are haunting. Its the first full piece of music I ever wrote. Its named "heart". The piece is an echo of my heart. It plays all the words that my voice can't find. My love, my hunger, my thirst for the green eyed girl, it fills the valleys in my soul and and empties the darkness in the hidden places of my heart. It is everything I am and will be. Because it is her. When I finish the piece I'm breathing hard trying to regain control of my leaky eyes. She is sitting on my lap and brushing kisses on all the skin she can find. My family closes ranks around us and gives me a moment. When I can once again speak I try again to tell them my heart.

" I can't thank you enough. You are the lives of my heart and soul. All of you. Thank you." I feel hands touch my back neck and shoulders. I hear words of love and encouragement. 

"Now if everyone will take off your pointy party hat and look inside someone has a pink heart. Well who is it?" Luke shouts.

"Me!" Brandon says.

"Someone give the man his gift."

North walks over and hands him a huge water gun. 

"Listen well because I will only way it once. There are water guns all over the back patio. You have exactly 30seconds from when I say go. Find one and be prepared because water wars begins now." With a huge smirk he looks at me then at all of our guests. "Go!" He yells. With that the academy guests run for the patio and war has just been declared. 

~Luke's POV~

Everyone is lazing around the pool and they downstairs living areas eating and relaxing after an afternoon of music and waterfights. The clown had us all laughing. Mr. Clayton said he hasn't used his clown costume in years but he may have to do it for fun. Sang asked him about doing the clown thing at the hospitals and elementary schools in some of the poorer areas around Charleston. Victor is having the time of his life. The sun is starting to set and its almost time for the fireworks. This day has been amazing. But I can't wait till bed time. Gabe Sang and I decided to spend the night with Victor together. To start the rest of his life as we mean to go on. I smile just thinking of it. I literally can't wait. Walking to Victor I nudge him. 

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