chapter 49

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Sang's POV~

I watch as Luke for once is dominating. He is controlling things with Victor like he does with me. Victor sighs and presses their bodies so close. Its sexy and I can hardly sit still. Watching Victor finally give in is one of the sexiest things I've ever seen. And with all 9 of my men I see a lot. My phone starts buzzing and I pick it up.

Silas: Aggele your face when lit up is intoxicating. You make me hungry. 

I giggle and look towards the camera. He isnt hungry for food. Oh fudge cicles. I forgot about the cameras. 

North: tell them to stop I don't want to watch this.

I gasp and then my phone buzzes again.

Gabe: I got you covered. I just relieved North and Silas. Nathan is going to do a perimeter check so he is not in the room. Tell Luke and Vic I love them and wish I could be there.

"Princess are you okay with this?" Victor looks torn. 

"Sorry my Prince. We forgot about the cameras and I was getting messages. Gabe has taken over watch though so we are fine. He said to tell you he loves and misses us and wishes he could be here." I smile.

"Will it hurt you Vic if I ask you to wait until Gabe can be with us? I don't want you to think ..."

"Its fine Luke. I understand. I'm just got caught up in the moment. I have tried for so long to fight it. My dad has hurled slurs at me for so long I think I might have started to believe them. But not anymore. I'm going to.... I'm going to be my own man from now on. I thought I was before but I realized I was putting on a show. Now .... Well now I'm going to be no matter what. I like me."

"I love you" I murmur. "I do too." Luke says slowly. I can hear his fear of rejection. When is he going to learn that he is loved for who he is. Victor must hear the same things in his voice that I did because he grabs Luke's face and kisses him deeply. His hand shoots out and pulls me into the hug then he is kissing my head. "I love both of you." Turning his head towards the camera he smiles "and I love you Gabe." My phone dings!

Gabes: you don't have to wait but I'm grateful you thought of me too. I love all of you. What finally made you realize Vic?

As I read the text aloud I see emotions flit across both of their faces. Luke settles into contentment and Vic looks thoughtful. 

"I think its this." He gestures to Jessica's room. "With Kota gone and hardly communicating I feel like I've lost a hand. But if I lost one of you three I would be losing my own life. I don't want to live my life without you knowing that. Without discovering what this means. I..." Victor looks at me and I nod. "I love you Luke!" Luke's mouth crashes onto Victors and its violent and beautiful and so much emotion. He quickly pulls back and looks to the camera. "I love you too Gabriel Coleman. So much." His voice starts strong but is almost a whisper at the end. Gabe's ringtone starts playing and I hand my phone to Victor. 

"Hello." He says with uncertainty. I turn to give him and Gabe a moment and find Luke's mouth waiting for mine. As his kiss tapers off we rest our for heads together. "Forever and Always!" He mumbles. "Always and Forever." I say softly back. 

"See you in a little while." Victor Hangs up and turns to face us. "He's here!" He quickly says in Japanese. I immediately sign it to Luke. Luke is checking his pockets making sure he has his supplies. Victor looks at his phone checking the screens trying to find him. I slide quietly to my bag and withdraw my small hand gun. This one is specifically for tranq darts. Silas had it made me for me when I completed my weapons training. Its small and fits my hand snugly with the barrel elongated a touch so the kick isn't so hard. When I turn its to see Vic and Luke waiting by the door for me. We quietly walk to Erica's room. Mrs. Lucille is laying on the bed and looks to be napping but I can see her hand wrapped around the butt of a pistol. 

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