chapter 18

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North's POV~

I know Uncle is upset and confused. How can we explain this without driving him away. He has been a constant in our lives. Next to the guys he is the only other person who has cared for me. I belly ache about my younger years but moving around with my Dad like a box of goods was awful I got in some trouble and Uncle took me anyway. I don't want to drive him away but I will not let Baby go! I won't do it for anyone. Glancing at Luke as he pulls on his clothes I can read the determination and fear on his face. He grabs his phone and starts texting. I'm sure he is texting Mr. Blackbourne. I will not let my Fu***ng baby go! No matter what!

~Luke's POV~

I can read the intensity on North's face. This could get ugly if he doesn't keep it together.

Mr. B: tell North to keep it together. I am on my way. Kota is coming with me also. How much are you going to tell him?

I glance at North. He looks very intense.

Me: I'm not sure. I will feel out how much I think he can handle. 

Mr. B: 15 minutes

I only have 15 minutes to explain this before Mr. Blackbourne gets here. We need to take this slow. As we enter theain house through the side door I hear Uncle Yell. We move through the house to the kitchen where Uncle is making a cup of coffee. North moves to the side standing very tense and aggressively. I take a seat at the table trying to show a relaxed posture and indifferent attitude. Everyone just continues on. No one says anything. Checking my phone I see we have 10 minutes till Mr. B is here. 

"Well what do you boys have to say for yourselves? Messing with that little birds head is wrong. I never thought I would see the day that you two acted like your parents!"

"What?" North roars and I hop up to get between them.

"Calm down brother."

"He's comparing us to them!! He can't do that. I would never treat Baby like... I don't even know how he can compare us to them!" 

Uncle starts to speak and I raise my hand for silence.

"North he knows we aren't like them. But he doesn't understand Sang and our situation. Sit down and don't talk. I'm going to try to explain and I don't want you to interrupt!". He stills and I can tell he is thinking. Finally he nods and pulls out a chair to sit.

" Uncle sit down. I'm going to tell you a story and I want you to withhold your opinion or questions till the end. Can you do that?"

"Fine. Tell me this story."

"As you know we all met Sang pretty quickly. What we didn't tell anyone was that her family....." As I tell the story I can't read his face. Uncle is to well trained to show his emotions. The ups and downs of the story is a little hard at times to recite. Going back through fights and issues with her parents. The times Sang unequivocally had our backs and the times we had hers. How each of us began to love her and she us. To finally where we are today. When I reach tonight I see North tense up. I put my hand on his knee under the table to calm him. Mr. B and Kota had snuck in at some point and are standing in front of me. Suddenly all eyes in the room focus behind me and know she has entered the room. Uncle looks from me to her and then around the room. He tenses and I see his face harden. He is about to lay into us.

"May I say something please?" Her soft voice comes through clearly and I can feel the steel in her words. I can't help but smile.

"What would you like to add little bird?" Uncle asks her.

"I know that our relationship isn't normal. I... I know that it won't be accepted by many. But I want you to think of your boys for a moment. They are strong. They love unconditionally. And they have chosen me. Do they normally make half baked decisions? Is their life something you follow around and pick up after? NO! You have raised these boys to be strong and sure of their decisions. I'm going to ask that you think very clearly about what you say before you say it. These boys all of them have taught me what love is and how you share it. I probably wouldn't even be alive if not for them. So be sure you want to say what you are about to say because our words can't be taken back once released. I love them Uncle and they Love me. We are finding our way in this odd relationship and we hope to have your support. But I'd not we will continue without it. Because I have found that love doesn't say No. It doesn't run or hide. We love each other and that is what matters most." As she finishes silence reigns in the room. We all walk to Sang and hug her. Mr. Blackbourne is last and he tucks her under his arm. I again hold my arm out to the room for silence. I see the emotions flashing across Uncles face. 

"You love them both little Bird?"

"Yes." Sang answers strongly.

"You love all of them?" He asks just as strongly.

"Yes." She simply replies.

"I... I don't understand this. I only know of one other team that has accomplished this. Even my team couldn't do it." North sucks in a breath. 

"What do you mean Uncle?" I ask.

"When John Mike and I were a team we tried and it didn't work. Celine ran off with Mike. John and I ended up staying as a team for years. But the anger and bitterness ended driving us apart. We both couldn't understand what we had done wrong. Why couldn't she love us all. I couldn't deal with John's anger anymore so I sold him my half of the restaurant. That's why I opened the diner. What happens when she wants to run off with just one of you?"

"I will never leave my boys. I'm sorry your Celine didn't stay but I won't leave them. They are my life!" Sang walks slowly over to Uncle and lays her hand on his shoulder. "I am not Celine and I will not leave them. Please don't make them chose between the two of us. They love you. They want you in their life but we are a team and will always chose each other. I will always choose them!" I suck in a sharp breath. Hearing her say we will chose her that she will choose us tells us so much about where she is mentally. Our girl has worked through all of those road blocks and is seriously ready to move forward with us! Looking around at my brothers seeing their smiling faces tells me they understood what this means to them also! My phone starts going nuts and glancing down I see all of the boys must be watching the cameras. 

Silas: tell Aggele that we love her and choose her too!

Gabe: give Trouble a kiss and tell her I'm fu***ng proud of her! 

Nathan: Give peanut a kiss and my love.

Victor: tell princess I'm proud of her and I will always chose her and you guys too!

Doc: squeeze my Pookie and kiss the daylights out of her!

I see all the guys check their phones and smile also. Our Girl just chose us! We are ready to move forward in a big way.

"I am not sure how to respond. I'm ready to give you a chance. I don't want to lose my boys. Any of my boys. I love you. I think of all of you as my sons. And you little bird you are the daughter I never had." I see tears in his eyes but he strongly continues. "I will support you in whatever way you need. Just please ... Please be careful of each other. This could tear you apart." 

Sang leans over and wraps her arms around his neck. And he hugs her back. Then quickly leaves the room. 

"Maybe we should head over to North's trailer." Mr. B speaks up and we head to the door. Kota falls back to wait for Sang who is slowly shuffling towards the door.

All of our phones ding. Glancing at the phone I look at it and groan! North glances down and reads his quickly.

Gabe: why the f**k is Trouble walking funny? What the f**k did you do to her?

He looks back to Sang then at me. Well how do I answer this...

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