chapter 38

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Sangs POV~

Slowly walking up the stairs I make my way to my room. I love my room. The boys took such care when they decorated it. It a calm oasis for me. Now who to spend time with next. I know that need needs some care. And then Owen and Sean will both need some attention. Owen will be the hardest. He always tries to put everyone else first. Best save him for last. I'm spending tonight with Gabe and Luke and then tomorrow will be a mess of rushing around getting ready. So who to corner first Sean or Nathan? Walking into my closet to pull on some clothes I debate Sean versus Nathan. 

"Trouble? Trouble you in here?"

"In the closet Gabe!" I hear him chuckle as he heads towards me.

"I thought we dealt with all of that ages ago Trouble!"

"Ha ha! Don't you think your cute!"

"Oy Trouble I know I'm f*****g cute! Now what are you doing I need to pack for your trip."

"Welllllll I'm trying to decide who to corner next."

"Corner? What are you talking about?"

"I have given North and Silas their goodbyes and now I can't decide who to say goodbye to next. I'm spending tonight with You and Luke so that leaves Sean Nathan and Owen. I'm saving Owen for last. Its just easier on him if I do!"

Gabe bursts out laughing. "I'm sure it is Trouble. So Nathan and Doc huh?"

"Yep" I reply. "I just wasn't sure who and when?"

"Well Nathan is in his workout room. And Doc is doing paperwork in his office upstairs. So do you want to be a gym bunny or a secretary?" I pause for a moment not understanding before it dawns.

"Gym bunny!" I giggle. Gabe rushes over and starts pulling things out of my drawers. "This trouble put this on." Then for Doc...." He walks to the other side of the closet digging through the racks of clothes and mumbling. I quickly pull on the red and pink workout outfit he gives me. 

"Shoes Meanie?" He looks up and points to the red Nike's on the shoe rack across the room. Grabbing some socks I quickly get the shoes on. I braid my hair and I'm just finishing when Meanie walks over to my mirror. 

"I put the other outfit on dresser over there. Shoes and everything. Pull your hair up into a tight bun and wear those faux lenses that Luke got you for that job last year. Their in the drawer with all your sunglasses." With that he kisses my head licks my face and starts to walk out. I hear him mumble "mine" after he licks me and I smile.

Making my way down stairs and to the gym I literally run into Owen. 

"Ms. Sorenson. What are you up to?"

Giggling a little I make my eyes wide and look up to his face. "Why nothing Mr. Blackbourne. Just a little workout."

"Behave Ms. Sorenson."

"Now Mr. Blackbourne would I ever not behave?" I try so hard to keep a straight face but a small giggle peeps out and I'm ruined. 

"Are you looking for punishment?"

"Not at the moment Owen. But maybe later!" 

His eyes widen and I can see that he is turned on. With a giggle I spin to the side around him and let my hand caress him as I slide by. I continue on to the gym. When I get close to the gym I can hear country music. He must be working out alone. For all his big bad scary martial arts ways my Honey loves his country music. That Luke Bryan guy can sing and he's adorable too. Not that I would ever tell the guys that but its true all the same. Quietly entering the gym I see Nathan is hitting the speed bag. I quietly make my way to the mat and start stretching. From under my lashes I see him watching. I lean over and give him a good view down my top. I stretch reaching my toes. It isn't long before I see some matching red trainors standing in front of me. 

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