chapter 21

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Gabe's POV~

I know those Motherf*****s got there before. I know I shouldn't be this f****g upset. I know I should just be motherf*****g happy that Trouble is ready to move forward with us. But s**t I wanted to be f*****g first. I know it was Luke. I know it was. Those two were alone with her last night! It had to of been! S**t s**t s**t. Damn it!!! Why couldn't he of waited.... Well f**k. Aren't I being a selfish a prick. I'm jealous but I'm happy for them. I'm going to make Luke pay! But I am happy for him. 

~Luke's POV~

Damn. I hope Gabe isn't angry. I mean seriously I love him but I love her too! I mean Seriously! F**k! I hope he isn't mad. This is to much!

~Nathan's POV~

What is going on? Watching Sang go all Boss on Uncle was hot! But Gabe is right. Is Peanut hurt? I need to check on her. Why did North let Silas sneak her out of the house? That bastard knew we would want to know what was going on! 

~Victor's POV~

If that shuffle is any indication of what is wrong with Princess all of the guys are about to be very upset. I know how Princess feels. I hope they gave her some soothing cream. God I can't wait to play with her! Gabe and I could have some seriously delightful fun with Luke and Princess. 

~Sean's POV~

Go to work one damn time and chaos errupts. What the hell. I need to have a talk with Pookie and these boys! A man needs to be able to go to work without worrying that all hell will break lose while he is in the middle of of delivering a baby. Damn it! 

~Mr. Blackbourne's POV~

I want to kill Mr. Taylor for helping Mr. Korba take off with Miss. Sorenson today but I understand why he did. I just wish they would get back so we can move forward with my plan. I hear shouting as I come down the stairs and know Gabe Luke Kota Victor and Sean are in there. Coming down the hall I see North finishing up the kitchen. When he glances my way I nod towards the ruckus and he throws the towel on the counter and heads that way. 

Upon entering the room I can see the anger and recrimination flinging from one person to the next. 

"Stop." I state it simply but with power and the room instantly quiets. 

"There is no reason to be upset. There is no reason to fight." Walking across the living room I sit on a couch and wait for the others to follow. Once they are all seated I look to Sean who nods and begin.

"I want all of you to listen closely. We have moved to a point in our relationship where Miss. Sorenson is ready to make love to us. As evidenced by some of you this is an issue. But it stops right now. Whatever Miss. Sorenson decides is fine. Whoever she decides is fine. We do not make judgment on each others interpersonal relationship choices.... Correct?" I give them a quick stare and wait for dissent. When no one says anything which is truly shocking I move on. "Now Since we have decided to move farther in our relationship I think its time to take a new step. If you are not ready or do not want to I will understand. Yet the option is open for all of you."

"What option Mr. B?" Mr. Taylor asks first while playing with his hair. All of the others pipe in but I quickly settle them down again.

"I would like all of you to move in here." Realizing I need to address them as equals I continue." Mr. Lee you are taking college classes and basically live as an adult. Do you think it will be an issue?"

"No sir. I already basically live at Nathan's. I don't see it being an Issue as long as I visit home often enough."

"Mr. Griffin do you have an issue with moving in." I know that it will be hard for him to say yes. Even though we share Miss. Sorenson he has always had that small hold over us. He remains still and quiet for a few minutes as the others begin to whisper amongst themselves. Finally he looks at me and answers. "No Mr. B. I don't have any issues as long as this is what peanut wants."

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