chapter 53

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 Mr. Treble's POV.....

"Sir why are you helping this man?" Clark looks at me with fear and awe in his eyes.

"He knows things. At first I ignored him but the last email I received had information about Tanya and Brandon. He has offered to tell me who is holding them if I deal with the Morgan Problem. Morgan owes me a lot of money so its win/win for me."

As silence descends in the car I exhale slowly. This man knows who has my daughter and son in law. They went missing about 3months ago. With all the resources at my disposal I couldn't find them. How did this Owen blackbourne do it? My people have tried everything. Dealing with Morgan as a favour is nothing. I will do anything to get my family back. Him finding that Morgan was stealing from me is just a bonus. My organization is a front. I used to deal in skin and drugs but no longer. You would be surprised how long it takes to make life legit. As soon as my daughter was born and I held her little body in my hands I knew I had to get it straight. I started turning around the family business. Its taken me almost 25 years to get it clean. Morgan was supposed to be cleaning the last of my money. I would let it go that he stole it except he is worth to much to me now. I can't walk away from any information that pertains to my daughter no matter how far of a chance that it is worth something.

"How much farther Clark?" He jumps but looks at the GPS.

"About 4 minutes sir." 

"Text the number and let them know we will be arriving."

"Yes Sir.". 

We lapse into silence. My fingers itch to start tapping but that would tell people where my emotions are so I restrain myself. Barely. I have to find my daughter... I have too.

~Blackbourne's POV~

"Owen he will be there in 4 minutes." Sang says softly through my ear piece. 

The offices are quiet and I continue on. I can hear him moving around in the office at the end of the hall. The door is cracked open and I see him moving around.

"We have found him. He is beaten but he seems okay. Taking him out to the ..."

"No bring him here quickly then all of you retreat to the car except Raven and Nathan."

I heard a round of Yes sirs. Waiting a moment I take a deep breath then push open his office door. He turns quickly and searches for more people. Raven follows me inside. Without telling him too Raven takes a position facing the door but remains quiet with an aggressive expression. Mr Morgan looks angry and terrified.

"What are you doing here?" 

"You invited me!"

"Bullsh**! Leave now. As you can see I'm busy." 

I just wait quietly. Victor will be walking through the door any minute now. I hear a slow steady pace from the hall and my body tenses. That's not Victor it must be him. As he walks through the door and I see Mr. Morgan's eyes widen.

"Sir.... What are you doing here? I was going to bring the money on Monday." He is shaking looking horrified.

"You must be Owens." He says looking at me. 

"Owen Blackbourne." I say extending my arm. He grasps my hand firmly but stares at me with intensity. He has fear in his eyes too but he hides it well. His fear is for his daughter. 

Slowly Victor comes through the door with Nathan supporting him. As everyone looks I see Mr. Morgan swallow. Its not love or care I see on his face it's disgust. I can clearly read the hate on his face for Victor his own son. In that moment Victor reads it also. His face tenses up and he stands straighter. He hardens himself for what is about to transpire.

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