Chapter 61

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                        ~Sang's POV~

              Chris Pine is perfection. And Zachary Quinto is beautiful.  But they don't compare to my guys. I watch as they save the world and I can't help thinking of my 9 world changers.  They changed my world.  I know they are keeping something from me.  Sighing I glance at Kayli and Corey. They are so into the movie I could probably stand on the seat and dance and they wouldn't notice. I look on the other side and see Raven.  His head is tipped back and his mouth is slightly open.

"What's wrong little Bird?" He mumbles.

"Nothing." I huff.

"Compass will be angry if he finds out something was wrong and I did nothing to fix it."

I try to huff but it ends up a giggle.

"Raven his name is North I know you know that!"

"Yes but I'm not going to call him that!"

Shaking my head I giggle again.

"They love you little bird. Whatever it is you can talk to them."

  My insides feel like they roll over.

"They are keeping something from me."

  I peek out of the corner of my eye and see him nod. His face is serious. Most would fund him intimidating but I find him loving. Somehow he became like the big brother I never had.  All of Kayli's boys did.  
"Little Bird in all the time you have known them have they ever kept something bad from you? Something that would hurt you? Or bring you pain?"

I don't answer but I don't have too. raven knows my boys. He knows they would never hurt me.  I feel something flick my nose and I turn to him in shock.

"Stop thinking about it. They will tell you when they are ready.  Until then let's watch this movie with the hot guys and try to be happy!"

I smile and turn back to the screen. Kayli laces her fingers with mine and leans her head on my shoulder.

"I'm not good at the mushy stuff Sang but I do know those boys love you."

I nod and she leans back over to Corey who is still zoned on the big screen. I grin and shake my head.

                         ~Victor's POV~

       I should have waited to bring it up. I thought Gabe was going to kill me until I explained in detail what I wanted. Then he sprung into action like a wind up toy.  We were going to marry each other. It still sounded weird to me but it was what I wanted. We called the revered and explained. He agreed to our requests. In just a couple months we would be saying "I Do" in front of our family. Luke just kept asking about the cake and reception. Gabe was going nuts over the decor. And I was trying to figure out the rings. But I think Gabe figured it out. He wanted all of us to wear a bracelet instead of a ring. I called Cliff my designer of choice and sent emailed him the design that Gabe had come up with.  The only thing I added was the music notes to be put on the inside of the band. It was the melody fr the new song I had wrote for them.  I'm hoping Gabe doesn't kill me for changing the design a bit.  When Cliff messaged back the cost and a note saying he could do it I smiled and kissed Luke.

"Not that I'm complaining but what is that for?" Luke asked.

"Cliff says he can have all 4 done in 3 months." 

  I nod and glance at the others. They haven't even noticed that I'm not paying attention.

"So are we all in agreement?" Owen asks.

  Everyone says yes then looks at Luke and I.

"Sorry I was daydreaming about cake." Luke laughs as he answers.

"And I was messaging with Cliff and didn't hear." I answer softly.

"Everyone is in agreement with marrying her except North and he has thought of something to signify his relationship with Ms. Sorenson.  We will all ask her separately sometime this week. Kota has narrowed down the place where he thinks the ring was pawned and we will be working on this during the week.  Is everyone in agreement?"

There is a chorus of Yes's and everyone breaks into groups discussing the things we are doing this week.  My head wants to spin a little. It feels like everything is moving so quickly. I'm going to Marry my princess. She is going to be mine.

I shake myself out of my thoughts to see Owen and Sean walking out the back door.
"Where are they going?" I ask.

"You really weren't paying attention were you?"  Kota laughs

"They a re going to get Peanut. And with the look Owen was giving I would say she's in trouble." Nathan adds.

"Aggele won't be sitting comfortably for a at least a day or two when he is finished." Silas sounds a little uncomfortable himself just saying it. We all know he disciplines her but he would never hurt her. Like us it hurts him to see her in real pain.  She fractured her arm last year and she was treated like the princess I call her. Every one of us would do anything to make her happy.

"But I want the orange cream and chocolate!"  I hear Luke getting loud with Gabe.  His face is serious and his hands are clenched. "You are in charge of decorating im in charge of food. Dont tell me what i have to do!" Shaking my head I walk to them. They never argue so this is new. 

                    ~Sean's POV~

        Slipping into the dark theater I can just make out raven and Corey's bodies a couple rows ahead. They have what looks like two empty seats between them and I know that's where the girls are sitting. Elbowing Owen I nod. He quickly looks and nods back.

    I end up getting lost in the movie and Owen has to shake me back to attention. He tips his chin towards the aisle and I see the girls walking towards the lobby with the guys following. Corey is holding hands with Raven and I grin. I knew they were more! Raven never says anything when people ask and no one asks Corey because of Raven.

Owen and I follow them out exiting from the other doors.  When we get close enough I to speak Pookie looks right at us and smiles.

"Sean, Owen what are you doing here?"

Knowing that Owens answer will scare or embarrass her I jump in.

"We came to pick you up Pookie. Are you ready to go home?" Her eyes quickly dart from me to Owen. Very smart Pookie asses the beast before you agree to go with him. She closes her eyes for a second and then looks right at Owen.

"I'm ready." Owen exhales harshly then turns and walks to the car.  We give out goodbyes and Sang hugs Raven.

"Thank you Raven!" He winks at her.

"Call if you need anything... A club, knife, gun! Anything little Bird."  She giggles but I tighten up. That no good meddling Russian is lucky Owen didn't hear him.

"She will be fine." I grit my teeth and smile. It probably looks like I'm chocking.

We are almost to the car when I feel her little hand slip into mine. I give it a reassuring squeeze then climb in. The backseat of Owens BMW.  Music is softly playing and we are all quiet. He passes the turn to our house and I know he is going to our place. Owen owns several rental properties. Both residential and commercial.  He keeps a number of his residential houses as safe houses for the Academy.  Abused spouses and children. Hiding witnesses for the police.  He keeps himself busy. Except one house. I pretty sure it's his childhood home. He had it completely remodeled the only thing from before that he still has there is his piano.  We have brought Sang here several times when the house was to noisy. He pulls into the garage and door closes behind us.  Owen turns and he finally speaks.

"Go in. Shower. And get into position in the back bedroom."

"But Owen..."

"Now Ms. Sorenson. " she bows her head and slowly makes her way out of the car and into the house.  He closes his eyes and I can see him fighting himself.


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