chapter 45

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Sang's POV~

I spin in the dress an giggle. Meanie has the best taste. I twisted my hair up and pinned it, my jewelry is on, my clutch is ready, my shoes are comfortable, now to just touch up my lipstick. The elevator dings and I walk into the lobby. As I come around the corner I pause and drink in the sight of my boys. They look amazing. 

"10 you look wonderful. Beautiful. Perfect." 

I giggle nervously. Victor takes my hand and kisses my cheek. We go to dinner and its amazing. The food is wonderful. Victor Kota and I laugh and relax. Its on the way to the performance that I see him tense up. I wiggle my way over to him and climb onto his lap. "Close your eyes and play for me. Your wonderful Victor. Absolutely amazing. I am so excited to hear you play." I feel the tension ease out of him and I glance to Kota. He winks at me and nods. We are a team. When the limo pulls up I climb off of Victors lap. He emerges first followed by Kota then I am last. Kota takes my arm and we follow Victor into the building. He turns to go back to his room to wait for his performance when he is grabbed into a hug. Although it looks more like a headlock to me. The girl raises her head and I am met with bright blue eyes and full lips. Its gotta be collagen. She lowers her lashes and looks up at him. "I missed you this afternoon when you disappeared. I can't wait for you to see Daddy. Your father was just talking about your summer home on the island. We are making plans to take a family trip there next month. He wants to announce our engagement tonight." My heart stops at her words. When I look at Victor he looks terrified and angry. His father isn't giving up. "You have to be his boyfriend." I whisper to Kota and push him up to Victor's side. Kota lifts his chin and wraps his arm around Victor's waist. "So this is the girl darling." Kota says softly. Victor looks poleaxed but he hides it quickly and wraps his arm around kota. I see this mask of calm descend and then I realize its not a mask. He really is calm. "Yes honey. I was going to tell her this afternoon but I got distracted by your texts and forgot." They turn to who I assume is Ms. Penelope Appleton and smile graciously. "I'm sorry Pen. But what my Father failed to mention is that I'm already in a very committed relationship. I love this person with my whole heart and though its not a conventional love it is love. I would rather die than be without them. When I wake up they are my first thought when I go to bed my last. When I play every note is dedicated to them. When i compose it is because of the bow of their lips and the slope of their shoulder. They are my love and my muse. I'm going to marry them." 

"But you can't!" Penelope moans.

"Then we will commit ourselves to each other. I will put a ring on their finger and wear one on mine. Nothing will ever stop me from loving this one person who owns my heart. I'm theirs completely." Kota turns and rubs his nose down the side of Victors face so it looks like he is kissing him but I'm to caught up in his words to care. Victor wants to marry me? He looks to me and I can read the truth in his eyes. 

"Well if it isn't my Son and his girlfriend." Mr. Morgan sneers. "Penelope turns to address Mr. Morgan. I see kota pat Vic's hip. Its time for us to get to Victor's dressing room. We slip quickly down the hall. 

I stay behind them as we turn and ignore Mr. Morgan. Victor reaches over and pulls me into his side while keeping his other arm around Kota. When we get to Victor's room we go in and lock the door. Kota immediately gets on his phone checking in with Owen and I turn to Victor. He is tossing his coat over a chair.

"Did you mean it?" 

"Of course I did." He answers immediately. " I know we're young but I can't imagine life without you by my side. I know we won't be able to get married for real but I have committed the rest of my life to you. I love you Sang." I feel myself tearing up as I throw myself into his arms.

"I love you too!" I feel kota wrap his arms around me from behind and we stand there. Just silent in this moment. 

Kota pulls away and clears his throat. "I should have warned you. About Penelope. She sent a ton of flower arrangements and fruit and chocolate baskets to the room. I should have warned you."

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