Chapter 14

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Sang's POV~

I know Luke and Gabe talked to me about their choice to remain silent about their relationship but I'm a little jealous. They loved each other so completely. I could see it with every touch kiss moan. Their expression of love this morning was beautiful. I want to be open like that with all of them. I really think they should tell the other guys. They love them. They won't judge. They would probably be shocked yes ... But I was too when I walked in on them kissing. We were at Nate's getting ready for bed. I was taking a bath. Luke was locking doors and shutting off lights. Gabe was getting out our clothing for tomorrow. I got out got dressed and walked silently into the room and saw them kissing. I must have made a sound because they jerked apart. 

"F**k. Trouble we.."

"Sang I..."

I wasn't sure how to respond but I knew I would hurt them if they realized I was angry. I was so angry and hurt. I thought they loved me. I thought they wanted that with me. 

"Sang we love you. But we..."

"Trouble no one else knows. We love you and we love each other too. Can you accept that? Us?" When my eyes met Gabe's I read so much in his gaze. Fear I wouldn't accept them. Hope that I could. Love for me. Love for Luke. I turned my eyes to Luke and I read the same fears doubt and love. 

"I love you and Luke both. Are you sure you care about me like that? I won't love you any less if you care for each other and not me in that way! I just... I just love you and want you happy!" Stuttering over words and feeling a mess of emotions I answer honestly. I realized I couldn't be angry with them if they didn't love me in that way. They were still my best friends. And I wouldn't lose them because they had each other. 

"You silly Girl. Of course we love you! Of course we want you. Don't ever doubt it. We realize that our relationship is different. Its not something you would see everyday. Gabe is my best friend but he is also my lover. He gets me. And I understand him." Luke replies so passionately that I can't do anything but believe the words as they tumble from him. 

Gabe and Luke had moved forwards and they held me. It wasn't long before I felt lips on my mouth and another set on my ear. We kissed for the longest time. All three of us drowning in the passion of the others. When they first asked me about Victor I had no idea that they felt intensly for him also. But as we spoke more on the relationships of the group. And how we felt about each of them I realized that they might be a little in love with Victor also. Who am I to judge? I love nine men! 

Shaking from my thoughts I reach across the truck and hold Luke's hand. Gabe decided to ride with Victor to Nathans. I'm excited about family day. Really excited. 

"Are you okay Sang?" Luke looks a little worried.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"I was worried about how you were. I know that you are okay with Gabe and me but its different to witness it."

"Luke it was beautiful. I was slightly jealous..."

"We love you. Please don'..."

"Stop! I wasn't jealous that Gabe loves you or you him. I was jealous with how comfortable you were with what happened. Every time one of you touches me it feels amazing and I pretend to know what I'm doing but I'm a little lost. I am learning everything in the moment. I don't want to mess up. Or do something wrong."

"You can't do anything wrong with us. I know what Gabe likes because we have made mistakes and done amazing things together. It will be the same way with you. We will make weird or dumb choices decide we don't like that and try something else. Then we may try something and it feels amazing and we know we got it right. But it will always be okay because we love each other. As long as we are open and honest with each other it won't matter."

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