chapter 39

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Gabe's POV~

Everyone is relaxing in the family room and I'm packing Sangs bag for the trip. I love her closet. When Owen said I could design to my hearts content I did just that. Walking over to her formal wear I start to flip through her gowns. Victor and I have a habit of buying way more than we need but its great for situations like now. I just don't have time to go shopping. Slowly flipping through her gowns I find what I was looking for. Its a one shoulder slender fit mermaid. Its white on white with multi faceted crystals running from the shoulder across the bodice and snaking down one side once you reach right below the knee it flares out in layers or tulle. Walking to her shoe racks I grab some strappy silver sandals with a low heel for comfort. Time for her jewelry. I browse through the her boxes and don't find what I want. Laying it all on the bed I go looking for Mr. B. 

Finding him in his office I knock to get his attention. 

"What do you need Mr. Coleman... Uhhhh. I mean Gabriel. Sorry."

"No probs Mr. B. It'll take a while for all of us to get used to it. Do you happen to have have Sangs pendant. The one on the platinum chain with the matching braclet? I can't find it in her jewelry."

"I can check the safe. I'm not sure if that is in there or not." Mr. B checks in the safe and bring it out. "Its here. I think Victor put it in here after getting the prong fixed on the bracelet."

This braclet and necklace was the most expensive one she owned. Of course Trouble doesn't know that. Its a 4 carat solitaire Princess cut pink diamond haloed with smaller stones. The braclet is exactly the same except its a 2 carat solitaire. The entire set matches one of Troubles rings. Vic found the ring and we had the necklace and bracelet made to match. I say thanks and quickly head back to packing. 

Once I get the rest of Troubles clothing and night wear packed I finish up with her toiletries. Our Trouble is ready to go. I zip the bag and lay out a comfortable out for tomorrow's travel. My Trouble is ready for a night away with Vic and Kota. 

"Gabe... Meanie are you in here?"

"Trouble I just finished packing you. I need to pick Victor's performance Tux and then I'm done with everyone's luggage. I got the guys all done earlier today when I was getting everyone's outfit out for the job tomorrow."

"Are you nervous? You know about tomorrow?" Trouble says softly.

"A little but not about singing. I know I'm f*****g good. I more worried about those kids and how they are. " I wrap my arms around my girl and draw her in close. "We don't know what condition they are going to be in and what has already been done to them. I hope they are okay."

"I'm worried. I can't shake the feeling that something is off. We are missing something. Promise me you will be extra careful! Please!" I can see the distress on her beautiful face. I kiss her brow and snug her into me tighter. 

"We are always safe Trouble but we will be extra safe. Now go say your goodnights grab Luke and go to my room. I will join you both as soon as I'm done." With one last squeeze and a kiss I send her on her way. Flipping through Vic's performance tuxes I pick a vintage look that will complement Sang's dress. The white tailed jacket and shirt, black bow tie and black pants looks stunning on Vic. I make sure to throw in his silver cuff links. I quickly fold an oasis and pin his pocket square so its ready and in place. All Vic has to do is step into his tux and look amazing. Turning I walk out the door and practically skip to my room. Its time for my loves! Its time!

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