chapter 31

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North's POV~

Baby looked so sexy in all that purple. I need to get my head in the game for our mission.

"Alright. Mr. Korba you will be driving Mr. Morgan and myself. Mr. Taylor you will be driving Mr. Coleman, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Lee. Mr. Griffin you will be riding shotgun with Mr. Taylor. When we arrive you Mr. Taylor will be following Mr. Coleman. You are there for his protection. While protecting him you will be listening for any additional information needed." Turning to Luke he goes on. " Mr. Taylor you and Mr. Griffin will slip to his office and bedroom to look for anything that points to Mr. Corsair's involvement. This is going to be quick and clean. No messes! Am I clear?"

There are a round of yes sir's. And we head out the door. Suddenly Silas stops and we all look at him.

"Aggele is going to kill us when she finds out what type of mission we took and didn't let her go with. She loves that sneaky shit with Luke!" Some of us chuckle but I start grumbling. Ever since she completed training she picks the scariest shit to do! "Why can't she do like office spy stuff. She doesn't always have to be in the thick of everything. Pain in my ass. If I didn't love her..."

"Mr. Taylor your emoting out loud again." Damn Mr. B always catching me. It starts off in my head and then before I realize it I'm mumbling then talking then yelling. Baby just drives me crazy! 

Everyone is chuckling as we head to the Yukon's. 

"Wait are you three packing Mr. Griffin?"

"Yes sir. I put tranqs in them like you asked." Nathan answers. 

I shift a little rechecking my under arm holster. Gabe bitched a storm when I got my new holster. Said it f****d up the drape of my coat. I'm to big to carry it at the small of my back and still draw it quickly. And I don't like the hip holsters. I feel like I'm going to the old west. So an under arm holster it is. All three of us are wearing one tonight. I'm ready to get this over with.

"Mr. Morgan please hand out the comm units. These are new. Place the unit by your watch and hit the activate button. Once its settled in your ear everyone check and make sure they are working." Victor made these. We all have a watch that is like a mini computer. No you can't email. But it controls a multitude of things with just a few clicks of the buttons. Kota Vic and Gabe came up with them last year. Damn brainy nerds. The first couple messed up and burnt out but baby was playing wih a prototype and took it apart and put it back together. When she did it started working right. Vic figures that her turning the wires around to the access coil or some shit like that made it keep a stable temp. Whatever she did it worked and the boys starting adding things for it to do. Gotta love it. Once the academy gives the okay to release it they are going to be rolling in the dough. 

~~Kota's POV~~

I noticed a lot of security when we first got here. He shouldn't need this much security. Gabe is playing the rock star for all he is worth. Drawing attention to himself so that Luke and Nathan can slip out. I see them slowly make their way out. Gabe is doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone's eyes on him. Glancing across the room I see Vic cornered by not one not two but three women. These are not girls but full grown women batting their eyes and tossing themselves at him. They look like they were baked a little to long in Jessica's old easy bake. Tan but dried out and pruny! He detests it. Poor guy. Oh and one of the easy bake women just trued to bite kiss lick ... I have no clue what to his neck and got lipstick on his collar. Oh Sang is going to love that! He looks at Mr. Blackbourne for some assistance and I have to cover my mouth to keep the laughter in. Mr. Blackbourne gives him a head shake and twirls his finger in the air. Ha! Victor has to dance with one of the over cooked hussies! I quickly turn away before Mr. Blackbourne can catch my eye. With a shudder I think about asking one of raisens to dance. Ugghhh! Nope gonna stay busy talking to this group of men right here. Sorry Victor! I guess its every man for himself. 

~Silas's POV~

I hate these things. My suit is stifling. I want a T-shirt and some board shorts. These women are boring. And aggressive. One pinched my butt and giggled at me. I wish Aggele was here. She wouldn't let this continue. Oh did that woman just lick Victor's neck? My Gods thunderbolt she got lipstick on his shirt collar. Ohhhhh Aggele is going to chop his balls off and feed them to the sharks! Bahahaha. Well that felt good. I needed a chuckle. I see Victor ask one of the woman to dance and I glance to Mr. B. He gives me a look that says "YOU TOO Mr.KORBA!" and I groan inwardly before asking the dried up persimmon next to me to dance. She gushes and bats her big fake lashes at me. Why didn't we bring Aggele. She would have made this a game or something... I can't wait to go home to her. 

~Mr. Blackbourne's POV~

So far we have nothing. 2 hours and nothing. Although Mr. Corsair is loving Gabe. Glancing at my phone I see the picture Sean just text me. Lucky bastard. My beautiful Sang is sitting on the pier with candle light surrounding her having what looks like a small glass of wine her face looks soft and she is smiling. Fighting back the jealousy I remember that I have the rest of my life with her. One night without her isn't going to kill me. Although it feels like it.

~Gabe's POV~

Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be a rock star.... This isn't it. All the smoozing as Vic calls it and and kissing butt. Where is the fun in that? Something is upsetting Luke. But every time I get close enough to ask he gets busy with something else. I want him to hurry back. People have already picked up that there is something between us and we are usually better at hiding it than that. Letting it be known that I love both men and women was easy. But for my role to be believable I'm not committed to anyone. Women surround me and a few men too. I flirt and brush against them but never commit my attention to any one person. Mr. Corsair has finally made his way to me. He's been Jeeping the conversation very random until now.

"So Mr. Coleman... Gabe. I hear you are an up and coming. Where do you see yourself in a couple months?"

I know I have to play this just right. If I come across to cocky he will be done and if I come across to mellow he won't believe I'm going anywhere in this business. 

"That depends on you and Fire records." Leaving it open like that is bait for a man as full of himself as Corsair is. 

"How do you mean?"

"Well Fire records promised me an intro show. Sometime this month. I'm going to sign with the one that can give me the best offer."

"How about you come to my office next week and we will hear you sound?"

"Why not now? Mr. Morgan would be willing to play if Mr. Coleman can sing?" 

Victor is making his way to me slowly thanks to the multitude of women he now has attached to him. 

"Well I guess." Mr. Corsair seems a little frustrated. He stops and looks around for a minute. "Where is that blond fairy you had with you earlier?" He asks with a lip curl. I hear Luke through my ear piece. "I found a safe. Its a number dial. I'm going to need some time to crack it.". 

I respond to Corsair. "Oh he likes to walk in the gardens. He says it gives him inspiration." "Fuck you Gabe" I hear through the ear piece. Damn he is pissed about something. 

Walking toward the grand piano I lean toward Victor to discuss a song. I wish this night was over with and I was in bed with Trouble and Luke. I need to find out why he is so pissed!

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