chapter 46

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Kota's POV~

I glance at Victor and he smiles. My heart is racing. "You know I almost threw up when she told us what happened." I look in the rearview mirror and see her peacefully sleeping. My heart settles back down.

"Me too. It terrifies me to think of her going up against my dad." Victor shakes his head. "How did Mr. Blackbourne... Uh Owen respond when you told him."

"He was incredulous. I mean when she told me I died laughing but my heart stopped for a moment. You know she didn't tell us everything. Your dad said something that set her off . She was softening it for us."

"I know but I was afraid to pry. We will have to have her tell us the truth so we can protect her and ourselves." I reply thoughtfully.

"I will. When we are all together I will tell you everything." I see her sit up and stretch. "How much longer?"

"About an hour. Why don't you lay down and try to rest some more 10."

"Okay. I'm really tired for some reason." She lays back down and within minutes we hear her breathing even out. 

"Adrenaline." We both say and chuckle. Sang kicked Mr. Morgans butt and that adrenaline rush did her in. She could barely keep her eyes open while we packed up the hotel room and made arrangements for them to pack and send everything in Victor's dressing room. 

"I wonder how the guys job went..." I murmur.

~Luke's POV~

These kids are amazing and resilient. Some of them have lived on the streets for years. As the guys and I talk with them and hash out details I can't help but admire them. It was decided that the academy would take any of them that didn't have families and adopt them out to members all over the United states. Except one. The little girl. She is broken but she clings to River. Watching that kid I see academy all over him. His strength is admirable but his compassion is what touches me. He choose to protect those kids knowing the guards would beat him. Cole says that he didn't just do it once. He continued the entire time he was in custody. He also routed out all kinds of facts about top traders in this ring. Not just in the US but all over the world. Axel's team was already packing to fly out in the morning to continue busting these guys. When he was asked how he knew this stuff he said he would talk to every child every time they were moved from their holding room. Gather bits and piece them together. He was working from the inside on the hope that he would make it to the outside and be able to track them down. He has fire in him. He reminds me of kota. His brain works a million times faster than mine. But he doesn't use it against people only for them. This kid is what Uncle calls a game changer. If they get him in the academy he will lead a team one day. And they will change people lives. The little girl has stayed silent. Only whispering to River when necessary. 

"River.... River" a man flies through door near hysterical. "Dad." River runs into his fathers arms. I watch as they talk and then River takes him to the little Angel. He bows to one knee and speaks to her before looking up at Mr. Harrison. He gets down to his knees and sits back on his feet. He puts a hand out and she shyly takes it. I watch as they talk. River picks her up and sets her on his lap as the conversation continues.....

"What's going on Luke?" Sean is staring puzzled at the Doctor and the two kids.

"If I had to guess our little Angel is meeting her new Daddy and her new big brother is helping."

"You think..." 

"I really do." I turn away to keep myself from chocking up. "Let's finish so we can go home."

~Silas's POV~

Even in all the darkness there is still good in this world. The academy. My family. My friends. They are all examples that we choose how we respond and we choose how we let it effect us. Kota will need us and we will be there. If only to stand silently behind him.

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