chapter 24

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Sean's POV~

I like nice things but I'm tired and want to go home and hold my Pookie. Keeping a smile glued on my face I continue to nod and talk with all of the boys. I stiffen a little when I feel a hand on my thigh and realize Owen has just touched grabbed my leg. Turning I see he is waiting for me to focus wholly on him.

Tonight! His eyes say.

Are you sure? I ask back.

He rolls his eyes and then nods to the others. 

Glancing around all of the boys give me a slight nod. Turning quickly back to Owen I ask him. Really? Are we sure?

Leaning over he whispers softly "North and Luke have had her together. If I'm not misofken Luke and Gabe had her together while getting ready for this evening. Lucky bastards!"

Looking towards Sang I see a beautiful soft glow on her cheeks. Gabe and Luke have the same sated look. Wiggling in the chair doesn't help with my now erect problem. Just the thought of watching Owen rock into her makes me hard. Thinking of her mouth torturing me doesn't help. I groan and realize a moment to late how loud it was. Pookie glances at me quickly.

"Everything okay Dr. Sean?" She breathes softly. I just groan again and the boys snicker. 

"I believe Dr Green banged his leg on the table. He will be fine."

"Sure that's what he banged!" Luke gasps with hilarity and I want to kill him... Well not kill him but maybe...

"Speaking off banging stuff. Was that you who dented Norths fender the other day?" 

"What?" North roars!

"Boys!" Owen immediately steps in and I have to hide a laugh. It was me who bumped Norths fender the other night when I got home from work. I worked two consecutive doubles and came home like a zombie. I miss judged the distance and may have tapped his jeep. My bad!

When I finally have my body and laughter under control I look up into Pookie piercing green gaze. She winks and I can read her thoughts. Naughty Dr Sean. That was you who bumped Norths Jeep. Winking back I give her my best "who me?" Look but she shakes her head and laughs. Turning back to Owen he is watching me. "Tonight" I quietly say.

"Yes." Is his only response. I get lost again in my daydreams of watching Owen pound into Sangs beautiful body with his hands in her lovely locks. Her mouth parted in her cries and then me pushing past those beautiful full pink lips. No I want to be in her at the same time. Shaking my head I visualize my self lying on Owens massive bed with Sang writhing on top of me. Owen is behind her filling her too. I can feel him through the thin skin that separates her down there. Her head is thrown back and Owen is kissing and sucking down her neck. Her hands will tighten on my chest as we take turns pushing in and out of her. God I can feel her tighten.... Get it together man you still have to make it through window shopping that is never just window shopping and Ice Cream. Some how I daydreamed my way through dinner. When I blink out of my stupor Owen has already taken care of the check and Victor is helping Sang get her black knee length coat on over that delicious green cocktail dress she is wearing. I notice all of the boys slightly adjust themselves and chuckle out loud. They send me looks that vary. Some find it amusing some don't. I however have to turn away or I will be laughing full on at them. 

~Kota's POV~

Tonight is a celebration and I have enjoyed every minute of it. Its nice to finally be able to go bed every night under the same roof as my brothers. Watching Sang laugh and talk with my brothers is heart warming. I never thought it would work. Even up until the last minute I had doubt. How could she love nine of us? How could she live with nine of us? But our love and respect for each other works. I know tonight she will be with Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green but I'm okay BC tomorrow it may be me. I love them. I'm happy. I watch Sang lick her ice cream and grunt. She doesn't realize how sexy she is. The girl at the ice cream shop tried to get several of us guys attention and Sang just laughed. Her confidence as grown so much in the last year. 

Looking up I see Gabe has managed to drag Sang into a store. Reading the sign I see its a high end vintage resale store. Lord knows how long it will take us to get the two of them out of there now. I cut my eyes to Mr. Blackbourne and I can read the same thoughts in his eyes. Our phones go off.

Gabe: Stay out of the store. Trouble found some things she likes and we need a moment.

Looking back up all of the guys are rolling their eyes and we decide to just sit on the sidewalk and finish our ice creams. 

~Gabe's POV~

I know Trouble hasn't clued in on the fact that she will be spending the night with Mr. B and Doc. But I need to let her know. She needs to be ready. Mr. B is into control. Like really into control. I'm not sure how far he will take it with her but she needs a heads up. 

"Okay trouble we don't have long." I start speaking as we are browsing the racks. "Tonight you are going to spend the night with Mr. B and Doc. They won't expect anything but will want you. They love you and I know you haven't slept with either of them yet. Are you okay with that?"

Looking in her eyes I see excitement. She's ready. 

"Alright sweetheart I'm going to make Mr. B's dreams come true. I did some research online while we were on our way to dinner and I found out that this shop resales old negligees. I'm not talking about that tacky stuff with fur. I'm talking real satin and hand made lace. Stuff stars and wealthy elite used to wear. But they also havr some other new stuff that Mr. B will find very inviting. I know that we have talked some about my control and need to dominate and Mr. B has some of the same needs. His are just a little more pronounced." Looking her in the eye I can see some fear and hesitation but I also see love and desire.

"Are you okay with this?"

"Yes, Gabe. I'm actually extremely excited." 

"Well then let's get to shopping Trouble."

turning to the back of the store a very beautiful woman steps forward and greets us.

"Hello I'm Natalie. You must Be Mr. Coleman and this beauty must be Miss Sorenson. Its lovely to meet you doll."

I was just about to set her in her place when I realize she is talking to Sang not me and she eyes her like a piece of candy. I feel Sang tense and slide just a little closer to me. Wrapping my hand securely around the side of Sangs throat I step forward and to the side. 

"Hello Natalie my doll and I are in a hurry. Could you show us what you have and leave us."

Trying to look in Sangs eyes she leans to the side. "Sure Mr. Coleman if you and the lovely lady will step this way I will show you to the back room." She gestures for us to lead the way but I stare her down. She doesn't back down easily. As we get to the door I let Sang walk through first and tell her I will be just a moment. Turning to Natalie I turn alpha. 

"We no longer need your assistance. That will be all Natalie." 

She looks ready to argue back but I nip it quickly.

"I will call you if I have any concerns or questions. You will leave us in piece Natalie or Faramo will receive a call from the Blackbourne trust."

She sucks in a breath and looks to the floor. Reading people quickly is a gift we have all trained in. She doesn't want her boss to know she is beading her clientele! "Yes sir." She states and scurries away. Turning I enter the room and shut the door. I am immediately thrown against the door and feel troubles mouth sliding over mine. She sighs and pulls back.

"Thanks Gabriel." She whispers while looking at the floor.

"No problem Doll." I respond. 

She begins to giggle and then we get to get the business of searching for just the right outfit. Tonight she is finally going to take on the Master. 

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