chapter 41

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Sangs POV~

Slipping the grey satin robe over my shoulders I quietly make my way to Owens room. Its still really early. At 5:30 im hoping he's still asleep so i can wake him up. I couldn't help myself yesterday when I decided he had to be last. I know I'm going to pay for ignoring him most of the day. I know he knows I did it on purpose. I get those wiggly sparks Kayli is always going on about when I think of what Owen is going to do. Watching Meanie discipline Luke last night just made it worse. That paddle he used is just like the one Owen has for me. It doesn't leave any bruises just gives a delicious little sting. Owen always soothes the sting away after. 

I get those wiggly sparks again and pick up my pace. Knocking on his door I hear silence. Slowly I push the door open and see my beautiful Owen asleep on his bed. He sleeps like a small child curled on his side. He looks totally defenseless and peaceful. I quietly slip to his bedside and coo his name. 

"Owen.... Owen....." Slowly running NY fingers through his hair I see his eyes flutter open. He is awake instantly and his laser beams zero in on my face. "Owen I've come to say bye and get my kisses before I leave."

"Oh I don't think that will be all your getting Ms. Sorenson." He rasps out. I can hear desire in his voice. "What was the meaning of yesterday? Hmmmmmm. You flutter from one person to the next giving kisses and hugs. Yet you ignored me." 

Looking down to hide my smirk I reply softly. "Sorry Mr. Blackbourne. I didn't mean to ignore you." 

"Tssskkk tssskkkk. Telling lies to cover yourself Ms. Sorenson. I am ashamed. The spankings are piling up."

I gasp as if offended. "Mr. Blackbourne I would never lie to you. How could you even think to tell me stories?" 

Again I tuck my chin to my chest and look to the floor. 

"Not going to answer me hmmmmmm?" He gets up and begins to pace in all his nakedness. I know not answering him is another swat but I can't help myself. Its yummy when he is all controlling like this. I want it. I want it bad! "Whatever shall I do to make you remember not to tell stories." My body warms and I am immediately wet. I try to hold in the moan that so badly wants to break free.

Suddenly he is behind me. "Lose the robe." He says softly.I slip it from my shoulders and let it slither down my body to the floor. I feel his soft breath puff along my neck. His nose gently runs across my shoulder. I feel his teeth nip my bicep then he is gone. I exhale softly trying to control my arrousal. "Ms. Sorenson if you could assume the position I can begin your baseboardt. Its apperant to me that its long past do." I feel my legs shake and my body flush. I want to scream "yes!" But I maintain my silence and walk to the end of the bed. I bend over and grab the low baseboard. I hear him open the drawer and ten a smack as he hits his hand with my paddle. Oh God how do I keep quiet and calm. I want this so bad.

~Owen's POV~

She is practically quivering in anticipation. I can smell her arousal every time I get close. Her body is flushed and she keeps sucking in a breath every time I know she wants to say something. 

"Before I begin Ms. Sorenson is there anything you would like to say?"

"Yes, Mr. Blackbourne. I am very sorry that you felt ignored yesterday. Thank you for disciplining me and correcting my mistakes." The way she says mistakes is all I need to know that this is intentional. That naughty vixen left me for last on purpose. Oh my sweet girl is going to love what I have planned for her. I go back to my chest and grab out another item and walk back to my beautiful girl. She really is the princess Victor calls her. 

Bending over I run my nose along her crease. I flick my tongue out and taste her sweetness. She is so ready for this. Rubing the small egg I just got out of the chest against her I chuckle as she struggles to stay quiet. She wiggles slightly but then stiffens. She won't be swayed easily. She is a very vocal lover and this is what she has the hardest time with. I love it because if I can get her to moan I get to be extra dominate with her. Which she loves and turns me on to no end! Using the remote for the egg I turn it on. No longer able to hold back my amusement I chuckle just as she hisses. "Was that a sound Ms. Sorenson?" 

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