chapter 52

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Gabe's POV~

"Oy. We are ready for delivery. How soon can you get here?" 

"We are almost to your house."

"Sang will be out front pointing the f*****g way. We are going to bring it through the music room French doors on the west side of the house. We cleared the side patio for you to back the damn truck in. Just buzz the gate and I'll let you in."

"I can see your drive right now. See you in a minute."

Brandon Buzz's and I let them through. Sang is directing the truck around to the west side. 

"Nate, Kota, Owen! we may need more help." I yell as I walk through the bottom floors of the house.

Walking into the music room I see the floor cleared. We already moved the other Piano across the room. Vic loves that one. I hope he loves this one too. 

"Gabe I can't find that last string of lights you wanted around the pool. Do you know where they are?" Sean looks lost and I grit my teeth. This party has to be perfect for Victor. "Did you check in the box that I Gabe them to you in?"

"Of course I did. But I think you miscounted!" I see him trying to hide a smirk.

"Mother f****r I don't find this s**t funny. Not quit f*****g with me and get it done!"

Luke comes in and bumps me with his shoulder. "Calm down. Its coming together. We have several more hours till it all has to be ready."

"I know but f**k! He needs..."

"Calm down Gabe." Even though he doesn't say "Mr. Coleman" I can hear the authority in his voice. Being a Dom its not something I would naturally respond to. But being as he has been my brother and boss since I was 10 I do.

"S**t! Sorry guys! I just want it to be perfect." Sighing at the end I know I sound pathetic. Since Victor finally came to us and said he is ready to be in a relationship with us for real not just messing around I've been a little territorial. I know I need to tone it down. I feel Luke behind me and he pats my shoulder. I blow out a breath of air and open the wide French doors. 

"Meanie its here." Damn. Her smile is brighter than the sun. I hear several of the others mumbling something about her looks today. Wait till they see what she is wearing for the pool party. 

"Gabe! Hey!" Corey yells from beside the truck.

"Hey Corey." Before I have a chance to say anything else I hear squeals from beside the truck. Sang and Kayli are hugging. That is one friendship I never thought would happen. They are so different. But the differences is what they like about each other. 

".....He taught me a new leg hold and I can literally climb and flip him. I gotta show you. Nathan said I'm getting really good...." As they walk by all of us just stand out of the way. Kayli is one of the only women Sang feel comfortable around. When we have to go to the Academy Christmas Ball or something like that Trouble always tries to hide behind us. But since her and Kayli got close we don't worry as much anymore.

"Where is my beautiful birds going?" 

"Bird Raven! Bird as in one." Nathan yells at him. 

Raven just laughs as the rest of the Toma team comes around the the side of the house. 

Raven, Sean, Brandon, Marc, Axel, Owen, Nathan and Kota roll down the ramp on the truck and get the piano out. Once its out of the truck they very carefully maneuver it into the house. I watch Owen and Axel clear the cloth away and wrapping away.

Standing back there is a hush in the room as we all take in the beauty of the 1890 Schwechten. It has beautiful scroll work down the body and sides of the piano. Owen slowly lifts the lid and hits a couple notes. Its beauty. Then a sour sound falls from it.

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