chapter 43

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Sang's POV~

"....and that's why I need the new microscope. Buy its not just about the details....." I just keep tuning him out. I know Kota is talking to cover up his emotions and I'm about done with these tantrums that the boys are throwing. We have to get this figured out or we are going to fracture and break. 

"Kota stop! Please just get the room open then find somewhere to sit. I'm done with dancing around this!" He snaps my direction with such a look of shock. I know I need to be firm. Of all the boys kota is the one I have to watch. He can talk his way out of just about anything. He is just that good. His mode is a machine that runs circles around the rest of us mortals. Ha! My little smarty pants is about to get a talking too! One he dearly needs. When he opens the door and moves to the side to allow me to enter I nearly faint. The room is beautiful. The table at the entrance has a massive bouquet on it. Walking over I pluck the card out of the mass and flip it over. 

"To Victor, can't wait to see the brilliance of you playing. Hoping for a few quiet moments with you later. Love Penelope Appleton" I snort and put the card back where it goes.

"Another groupie right?" Asking softly kota walks to the living room and sits down. 

"Always. When will these women learn?" I huff but then shake it off and turn to Kota. "Now 52 you and I are going to chat. I want you to zip it and wait your turn to speak. Do you understand?" He just looks at me and I know he is pouting. 

"First I love you. Second I wasn't ignoring you. I know that's what this tantrum is about. I said goodbye to everyone except Victor and you. I did that because I knew you would be with me and we would have time today to spend together. Victor had already spoken to me about the arrangements. Third you are a little old to pout. If we are to make this insane relationship work we have to work together. That means speaking to me when you feel upset. Not ignoring it till we get to a North explosion." I see him crack a smile and I smile in return. "Now that we have taken care of all of that go to the room and get undressed. We have several hours to burn before meeting Victor in the lobby." He tackles me on the couch and I can't help but laugh. 

"I love you 10. Thank you for be so patient with me." 

I giggle. "I don't know about patient but I love you 52. I always will. I will never forget about you or ignore you. I may not always have enough time for you but if you tell me we can figure it out. I can't fix..."

"What you don't know is broken. I know Sang. I think it was just a mixture of things. My finals, the job the guys are doing, not seeing enough of you even though your just down the hall. I let it get in my head. Can you forgive me?"

"Of course, but I'm going to make you pay." With another giggle I slip off the couch and run to one of the rooms. Sliding through the door with kota on my heels we hear a knock on the door. 

"That's probably the luggage. I will go take care of it. Since your in the bathroom are we taking a bath?" 

"I guess. I just picked a door. But a bath sounds good. Join me when your done?"

"Yes 10. Be right back." He quickly backs out of the room and shuts the door. Ihum as I twist my hair up and start to get ready for a long soak. 

~Kota's POV~

She is so amazing. I feel like such a jerk for stressing her out. As I'm waiting for them to finish brining in the luggage I notice 2 more vases of flowers and a fruit basket. I shake my head. Vic thinks its all sucking up but some people really do think he is amazing. Something catches my eye on the fruit basket. 

"Just a little something to keep your strength up for tonight. Love Penelope Appleton" isn't she the same one who sent the flowers? I walk over and compare the cards. Same penmanship Different delivery companies. This woman is serious. Just then I'm handed a rather large box and a card. "Something sweet that reminded me of you. Love Penelope Appleton" good god this woman is persistent. A little aggressively persistent. I know I need to call Vic and warn him but it can wait. Sang is waiting for me. I shake my head and turn towards the bathroom. I start tugging at buttons and trying to kick off my shoes before I ever get in there. When I open the door I find a vision submerged in bubbles. Her beautiful tresses are piled on her head with long silky curls escaping to lay in all the places my lips were dying to taste. Her skin looks damp and the color is deepened from the heat. Just like a goddess she looks at me from under lashes and licks her lips. 

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