chapter 35

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Sean's POV~

"Pookie bear where are you?" I look under her bed and in her closet. We should call it her changing room. The thing is huge. I check her bathroom. Still can't find her. Walking out of her room I head down the hall to mine.

"Pookie, pookie, Pookie. I'm going to find you?" I check my room. Still no Sang. 

Walking to my doorway I see Owen in the hall. 

"Owen have you seen Pookie?"

"Don't tell me she ran away from you?" He responds with a slight quirk to his lips. He knows something.

"Come on Owen just tell me where she is!" I moan. I know Owen can't stand when I'm whiney. I do it sometimes just to irritate him. 

"Pool house!" I make my way down the stairs. I never should have let her down. She asked for a few moments before we spent the night together and I said sure. Next time I'm trapping her in my room and feeding her sweets. She can be my love slave! Ha! The images that thought produces are awwwwesome! Walking around the pool I see the lights on in the pool house. Throwing the door open I shout

"Honey I'm ho......" Oh my god I can't swallow. "Sang .... Woman come here!"

"Uh uh uh! Dr. Sean nurse sang has heard that your not feeling well. Come sit in this chair. I'm going to find out what ails you."

"Right now its a raging hard on Pookie!" She giggles then her serious face come back. 

"Sit Dr. Sean." I quickly sit then watch her. She is wearing a purple bra and pantie set that is lace and looks soft. purple heels and my Dr coat! Her hair is pulled up in a clip and my fingers are itching to pull it down. She sashays around my chair with a serious thinking face. She puts her hands in the pockets of the coat and it pulls the front open more. I groan in pain. My dick gets any harder and its going to bust my zipper. 

"Now now Dr. Sean what could be causing you such pain?"

I shake my head and look at her. She has to know what she is doing to me. Its there in her eyes. She is enjoying her power over me. Making my body relax I decide to enjoy whatever she has planned. I start thinking of things to tame my beast. Dirty gym socks, Sangs creamy thighs, the old doctor who first trained me, Sangs soft skin, Owen killing me for scratching his BMW, Sangs full lips, training for Academy, oh god Sang dressed in skin tight black.... Oh God this is not working.

"Pookie for the love of God can I touch you. Sitting here and staring is going to drive me insane!" I see her face change emotions very rapidly then she smiles.

"Sean I never said you couldn't touch me. I just asked you to sit down!" I quickly grab her and pull her on my lap. 

"Pookie you look so sexy. I want to devour you." With that being said I crash our mouths together. This kiss is heated and quickly getting out of control. I pick Pookie up and she wraps those delicious legs around me. I stagger into the bedroom and drop us on the bed. Sang is pushing and pulling my clothes. I rip myself from her and shuck my clothing as quick as I can. She has lost her shoes somewhere but seeing her in that white coat and purple lace lingerie I want to bust a but without even touching her. Sucking in some breaths to calm myself I lean down.

"Pookie I'm going to eat you like a fat kid does cake! I'm going to devour every inch of you." She giggles and nods

"Sean this is all about you tonight! I wanted to take care of you."

"Ohhhh Pookie you can. By telling me everything you like and enjoying yourself while I selfishly enjoy you. Can you do that?"

"Yes, Dr. Sean." She lays back on the bed after shrugging out of my coat and I take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is my Pookie. 

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