chapter 47

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Nathan's POV~

Sang's face is tight. I can tell she is stressing. When I glance to the front seat kota is in a daze. When we got up this morning he was like a computer program going about its routine. No expression. No emotion. I've never seen him this way. Sang reaches over and clasped hands with me and nods at Kota's reflection in the sun visor. Kota doesn't respond and her hand trembles in mine. I give it a squeeze and she looks back at me. I can see fear and worry all over her face. 

"Te Amo." I murmur to her.

"Te Amo." She softly replies then sighs. 

Owen hasn't said a word the whole drive and its like the world will shatter if we do. Once we pull up and get out Owen turns towards us.

"Sang find Jessica and occupy her while we speak to Erica." He straightens his cuffs and we walk toward the house. Sang slips over to Kota and wraps her arms around his waist and squeezes before we enter. 

"Hey guys. I didn't know you were coming over." Jessica announces happily. "Sang can you look at an outfit for me? I have a study date for my group project tonight and I want to look good. I mean its not a date or anything.....". Sang never looks back as they go down the hall. 

We hear movement in the kitchen and head that way. Erica has her back to us but turn as Owen clears his throat.

" ohhhh you snuck up on me. Why does everyone look so somber? Who died?" She laughs but it leaves her face as we look on waiting for Kota to say something. 

"Ummmm boys what's going on? Is everything okay? Is Sang alright?" Kota still doesn't respond so Owen steps forward.

"Mrs. Lee we found out some disturbing information."

"Yes...." She encourages. Owen looks at Kota but he has turned away and is rubbing his temples.

"Your husband has been released from jail and rearrested ..... He was involved in some stuff. We are waiting on some phone calls to notify us of how long his new sentence will be and how long he was out this last time."

"Oh." Her hand clutch's the base of her throat. "Oh." She runs a hand through her hair and looks at Kota. "But you said he was rearrested right? Will there be bail? Will he be free? What is going to happen?" 

"He is being detained and I believe is making a plea deal for a lessor sentence.we are not clear on the boundaries of his deal yet. I'm waiting for call to let me know." 

"Ummmm does anyone want coffee? I need cofee." I watch as Erica shakily pours a cup of coffee. "Kota are you okay? Is there something your not telling me?" 

Kota finally looks at Erica and all I can see is heartbreak. We helped Erica when her body was broken and bruised. When Kota and Jessica was broken and bruised. Mr. Lee loved to slap around a little Jessica. I have no clue why he hated her but he did. "I'm so sorry Mom. I didn't know he was free." 

"Kota its not your fault and he never came near us this last time. I'm sorry it has dredged up past demons but we are okay. Cal can't hurt us anymore." I see Owen stepping out of the room to answer his phone. Kota and Erica continue to speak. I can see my brother finally relaxing. He still looks haunted but its not as bad. 

Owen marches back into the room and his face is grim. "Erica I need you and Jessica to pack a bag immediately." He takes a deep breath as Erica sets down her coffe mug and looks at him. "It seems Mr Calvin Lee made bail and he was heard discussing his future visit to Wife and son."

"Why not Jessica?" I ask.

Erica looks torn before she utters "because he diesnt believe she is his..."

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