chapter 63

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                      ~Sang's POV~

        Blinking my eyes I can barely make out the print on the wall. I feel the bed shift under me and realize it's Sean.

"Are we awake now Pookie?"

I giggle and shake my head No. A firm swat lands on my backside.

"Tell the truth Ms. Sorenson or I will have to listen to him for another 20 minutes.  I think that's the first time you have ever passed out from pleasure." 

    I think over our night and I'm sure I'm blushing. Those two are very imaginative.  From ice cubes to silk they touched every part of my body.

"Owen is the cab on the way?"

"Yes it will be here in about 20 minutes."

I sit up quickly to figure out what they are saying.

"Cab?" I ask softly.

"I got called in Pookie.  Dr. Roberts has a family emergency and they need me to fill in." He leans over an kisses my head before sliding out of the bed.  I watch as his beautiful backside sways to the bathroom.  Then sigh when he moves from sight.

" shall we lay in bed and wave poor Sean goodbye? Or should we go ahead and get up?"

  I don't answer. Snuggling up to Owens side I close my eyes.

"Sang we need to talk about last night."  I tuck my nose further into his chest and feign sleep.  "I will give you till Sean leaves to deal with the idea that we will be speaking on this.".

   I watch through my lashes as he begins checking his email on his phone.  Stupid phone.  He never goes very long without it.   It's quiet except for the sound of the shower.  I feel myself start to drift when Sean comes in to kiss me goodbye.

" walk me to the door Pookie." He turns and leaves without waiting for a reply. I grab Owens shirt off the chair and run for the door. I catch up with him in the living room.  He sits down to pull his shoes on.

"Pookie he was scared. He's going to be beating himself up. I know that what he did was wrong. He knows what he did was wrong. Go easy on him okay?"

"It wasn't the kneeling."


"It wasn't the kneeling that I was angry about.  You and the others have helped me through that by leaps and bounds. It's still not my favorite position but I can tolerate it.  Especially in the capacity that it was used.  It was the Anger Sean."

  I can see him running through my words again.  When he finally dots all the i's and crosses all the T's he nods at me.

"Tell him that Sang.  I know he seems like this perfect robot but he gets scared, hurts, gets frustrated and angry just like we do. He is just really good at covering it.  Even now with all our love he still expects himself to be perfect. If he isn't he feels like he failed.  I would never want to live in his head."  He shudders and then wraps his arms tight.  "We love you Pookie. I will see you at home later today."  I lean up on my tip toes and kiss his soft lips before he pops my butt and walks out to the cab.

   Turning back to the room I pause. Closing my eyes I breath deeply a couple times.  You would think North would be the most frustrating to deal with but most of the time it's Owen.  I feel like I'm prying into a vault to get emotions out of him. 

"Putting on your armor to deal with me?"

Keeping my eyes closed I respond. "Trying to figure out how to word you need a spanking and grounded without sounding like your mother."

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