chapter 17

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Kota's POV~

I tighten my arms as Sang let's out a small sound. She must be waking up. I have laid here for the last hour just watching her sleep. Last night was the best. I couldn't imagine my first time any better. It wasn't preplanned. It wasn't in the back of a car. It was a thing of beauty. I hope she feels the same way. I kiss up the back of her neck as my phone buzzes. Rolling my eyes I continue to kiss my way to her ears. When I get to the soft shell of her ear she giggles and turns to face me. All I can see is beauty peace and Love . She doesn't regret last night. I feel the anxiety that had been slowly creeping in seep away. Her fingers reach up and run through my hair as she smiles at me. 

"Morning Sang."

"Morning Kota. I love you."

"I was about to say that! I love you too."

She giggles again and I tickle her side. Leaning up and over her I kiss her. It started off soft but quickly was developing into something intense when my phone goes off again. I debate ignoring it but I know they will turn on the listening device and I don't want to share these moments with her. Sighing heavily I roll to check my phone.


"Kota?" I hardly ever curse in front of her. So she must read my frustration.

"Its not you Sang. I thought I would have a couple more hours with you but Mr. Blackbourne needs me to go help Silas with a job. I'm to drop you off with Nathan at his house." I rub my hand through my hair wanting to pull it. Couldn't this have waited. I wanted more time. Just a couple more hours. Gah!!

She hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom. She doesn't turn to look at me and I don't know if she is angry. A girls first time is important. Why are they doing this? 

Mr. Blackbourne: sorry it can't wait. She isn't going anywhere. You will have more time with her. Take her to Mr. Griffin's as planned and proceed to Mr. Korba's location. Immediately!

Well there is no way out of this. Quickly pulling on clothes I knock on the bathroom door. 

"Sang are you almost ready?"

"Give me a minute and I will be finished."

"Sang I'm sorry about this. I had set up late check out so we could spend a couple hours exploring the river but Silas needs my help."

The door opens and she steps out looking ravishing. God I could just eat her up. She is like the cherry on the sundae! Its not a sundae without her!

"Don't worry Kota. I will miss you. I wish we had more time too. But I understand. I love you just the same as 30 minutes ago. It doesn't change anything except I will be anticipating your return that much more." She leans up and kisses my mouth and I instantly respond. This is going to be a problem if this is how my body is going to respond every time her mouth is near me. Down boy! We have work to do!

Drawing away slowly I grab my bag and she checks to make sure she has all of her stuff. 

"Are we ready?"

"I think so." She responds quickly them more slowly she adds. "Kota can we come back sometime?"

"Yeah if you want. Its beautiful at Christmas time. And the trail ride through the snow is awesome."

"Trail ride?"

"Yeah they take you on a guided tour. Its beautiful in the winter fall or spring. It gets to hot in the summer and its always crowded with tourists so I stay away."

She hums a response as we get into my car. Grabbing my hand she tilts her head back and watches the scenery as we leave. 

~Sang's POV~

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