chapter 22

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Sang's POV~

Silas is laughing as he gives me a piggy back ride through the side door when my stomach growls loudly. 

"Aggele we should have stopped to get something. I'm starving."

"Superman if you hadn't kept us busy for the last 2hrs we would have been home already and ate. Its your fault!"

"No Aggele its your fault. You couldn't get enough. I figured you would be tired after the second time but the third was a bit much even for me! Zeus you are ferocious when you want to be." He looks at me with all the love in his heart and it shines over me like the sun! He is so wonderfully kind. 

"I love you Silas." As he puts me down and turns towards me I grab him in a tight hold. "I love you so much."

"Aggele, Sang I love you too." I feel him hug me back and then he steps back as his stomach growls loudly. I errupt into giggles as his cheeks crest with red and he looks away. 

"Come on Superman let's get you fed."

We are raiding Mr. Blackbourne's fridge when I hear my boys. They all enter the kitchen laughing and joking. Sean scoops me up and spins me around.

"Hey Pookie! I missed you today." I return his hug and give him a kiss. Before I'm passed to the other boys. Hey all have a hello and ask how my day was. Finally I'm dropped into Owens arms. "Hello Miss. Sorenson. I hope you enjoyed your day?"

"Yes . I had a great day. Silas let me drive the boat and we swam and it was awesome."

"That's wonderful. When you and Silas are done getting a meal together could you join the rest of us in the dinning room?"

"Yes..." I answer him and wait for some indication of whats going on...

"Boys let's go wait in the dining room for Mr. Korba and Miss Sorenson." As they trickle out the door they all give me a peck and squeeze. What is going on? 

"Aggele are you ready?" When I look over I see Silas has a plate in both hands. Nodding at him I slowly venture down the hall and set myself in one of the two available chairs. Sitting between North and Luke I begin to slowly munch on the fruit Silas got for me.

Suddenly Nathan breaks the silence. "Peanut you don't have to agree to anything. Nothing has to change. We can stay like we are right now."

The table erupts. The boys are angry with Nathan... But why? Tensing up I drag my eyes to Owen for an explanation. The look in his eyes is cold and I can read the anger all over his body at Nathan. "Mr Blckbourne?"

The rest of the boys quickly quiet back down as Owen turns to me. 

"Miss. Sorenson after a lot of thought we find it may be time to change the dynamics of our family. It will be just be easier if we do. There will be less chance of issues from our biological families. We just feel its time to move on...."

I quickly look around my heart beating out of my chest. My palms get sweaty and I feel like I can't breath. 

"Baby what's wrong?" I hear North interrupt Owen. Why would Owen want to change us? Is he tired being one of nine? Oh my God are they all tired of it? I always worried about this. I .... I..... 

~Sean's POV~

Mother fu.... "North grab her before she hits the floor." As I speak I see her eyes roll back. North grabs her and lays her on table.

I hear Gabe and Luke in the background cussing kota is counting Nathan is grumbling but looking at Sang like she is the Sun. Silas and North have switched to Greek and are yelling at one another. Can we not even ask her to move in with us without a storm breaking lose. "Luke go grab her a soda out of the fridge. Owen she thought you were ending our relationship. What is wrong with you? You can't state stuff in a way that isn't clear!". I see her eyes begin to flutter and she opens them. Looking around at us they begin to fill with tears. As they fall I wrap my arms around her. " Pookie what Owen was trying to say was that we want you all to move in with us."

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