chapter 37

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kota's POV~

Sang wraps her arms tightly around Mr. Blackb... Owen's neck and draws him in snugly against her. He looks slightly shattered. Like when you drop a cell and the corner of you screen breaks. You can still see the picture and his strength is still intanct but there is a small spot that is sensitive and could crack the rest with the right pressure! Her love our support will heal it. He buried his face in her neck and she is whispering to him. When she finally starts to back away he smiles and nods to her. 

Seeing him open himself like that in front of us all is moving. I can see a few of my brothers blinking back tears. Glancing at victor I can see worry on his face. My eyes ask what is the problem?

"You realize that my father may show at this concert right? Princess will be completely unprotected while I'm on stage. And we know he is not above going after things I love to control me!"

I hear North, Gabe, and Silas begin to curse. Nathan is muttering Luke has zoned out. I look to Mr. Bla... Owen and Doc to see then already having a conversation between the two. 

"Owen we have to send someone else." Doc says.

"I know but who? Let's go through this logically."

"I'll go!" I quickly say. "I'm just a manager/attorney. Gabe can say he decided to go with you since you have done so well with Victor. I can stay with 10 during the performance and we can all three leave as soon as its finished. Vic can tell them he was double booked and we must hurry to a private performance."

"Very good Kota. Does that suit everyone?" I see some of them rolling their eyes but it just makes sense for me to be the one to go. 

Once the meeting is over I speak up and ask Vic to meet with me. 

~Victor's POV~

I really wanted some alone time with Princess. Now it will be the three of us in a room. I wounder if I can upgrade to a suite so we have two separate rooms. 

"Vic I know you were planning to spend time with 10. I just wanted you to know that I'm okay with that. I have a huge online test coming up for my chem course. I'm going to take the laptop and probably be studying once we get back to the room. I just wanted you to know that I know you need some time with her." Kota says softly. 

"Why don't we both go to dinner and of course the concert then I can spend some time alone with her?" I ask. 

"Works for me. Where are you wanting to take her?" 

"That place we went last time we were there. It was so good that Gabe licked Luke's food so he would give it to me!"

"Gabe licks everything. Its his way of owning it!" Just then Sang walks through the door and he face turns red. Oh Princess must have heard us. 

"What's wrong 10?" Kota asks chuckling. 

"Nothing. I was just going to ask if you had worked out everything for the trip yet and if you needed help?" Her beautiful cheeks are stained bright red and I'm having a hard time not chuckling with Kota. 

"We have under control Princess. You don't worry about a thing and we will get it all taken care of." I lean forward and press a kiss to head right before she scampers out of the room.

"She still gets embarrassed so easily." Kota adds still chuckling." 

"She does. I'm going to call Corey and get to work on the planning of security for the concert. I will get the hotel and dinner reservations taken care of after."

Walking away from Kota I realize how much he loves us all. He is going to work on homework to give Princess and I some time alone together. I know he would rather be wrapped in her beautiful arms than doing homework but I can't help the sigh if relief that he is going to give us this time.

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