chapter 60

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So I am going to try and make myself write. I haven't been in the mood in days. I usually sit down and the words just flow without much thought. Then I go back and edit. But every single time I have tried to write in the last couple days ..... Nothing. So if this chapter sucks I'm sorry.  But I am doing the best I can.    I really need to quit procrastinating and get to writing..... Seriously can you now see what I'm working with here..... I just don't want to write.

  Sang's outfit minus the skirt pinned up shorter is posted!


                               ~Sang's POV~
  I watch out the window as they finish their push ups. I want to choke every single one of them. I know they had a meeting without me. How else would this be going on... Do they think I'm clueless?

    I pop another fry into to my mouth. I bet they are starving and their food is going to be cold. Should I reheat it for them? Nope! They should know better than to hide stuff from me. It must be important if they ended up with two hours instead of one. They almost never did it anymore. And from the way everyone kept looking at North I would guess that his big mouth got him in trouble again. 

   The clouds part and the sun shines down on them and my breath catches. They really are beautiful.  I feel my phone vibrate and I answer.

"Hey girl! Whatcha doing?"

"Watching my idiots do a punishment!"

"Wooooaaah! What's wrong Sang?"

"We were supposed to have a family meeting then a relaxing family night. But they all come home and troop outside for 2 hours of torture and no one will say why!"

"Did you ask?"

"Of course. Kayli something is going on. And they won't tell me."

"Hmmmm. Well I was calling to see if you wanted to go to the movies with me and Corey. Raven will probably tag along but I'm not sure. We are going to watch that new Star trek 3 movie."

"I don't know Kayli. Last time we went out we almost got kicked out because Raven wouldn't keep all of his clothes on!"

  Kayli chuckles and I smile. She used to be so serious. I love when she laughs and smiles.

"I will talk to him. So do you want to come?"

"Let me get changed and let the guys know."

"How many hours do they have?"

"2 why?"

"" because I think you should get ready quickly and text them as we pull out of the yard."

"Kayli that's mean. I will tell them! Just give me 20 minutes."

"You have 15. We are almost there."


  As she hung up I head her laughing again and I shook my head. Glancing out into the yard I quickly clean up the rest of my dinner mess and head upstairs to get ready.

                         ~Nathan's POV~

     I could kill North. Instead dog being cuddled on the couch with Peanut eating my dinner I'm doing lunges.  I shoot him another dirty look and go back to my lunges. I hear the gate open and a car with loud music playing pulls into the drive and around to the back of the house. Kayli and Corey get out.

"Everyone take 5." Mr. Blackbourne calls as he turns towards Kayli and Corey. "Hello. It's nice seeing you but I wasn't expecting you. Is everything okay?" He says mildly but a little concerned.

"We are just here to pick up Sang." Kayli says with a little smirk. She walks to the back door and goes in.

"Corey what's going on?" Kota asks.

"Well if I'm understanding right Kayli asked her to go to the movies. We were going to invite you too Kota but I think that plan got nixed.  It's my understanding that Sang knows something is going on with you guys but you haven't said anything so she is angry... Or upset. Sad or something. Anyways she is going to the movies with us."

We stand silently trying to digest what Corey has just said.  And then we hear her. When we turn towards her I can't swallow. Tell me she isn't!

"What the f**k!"

"I'll beat her pretty f*****g a**!"

"Owen, boys, I'm going to the movies with Kayli and Corey. I will be back later."

"But we have family night to....."

"Not in those clothes..."

"Why are you going Pookie?"

"Cupcake I want to go too!"

All of our voices layer each other and nothing can be heard. But she shuts us up quickly.

"Are you going to tell me why you are doing hours?"

We close our mouths. I see Silas twitch as if to say something and North elbows him and gives him death eyes. Why is North trying to keep it quiet? He doesn't even want to marry her.

"I see. Well I'm not going to sit and watch you punish yourselves when you won't tell me what it's for. I will be back later tonight."

"That is fine Miss. Sorenson! We will see you when you return." I see her eyes grow large when she looks at him. Then her back stiffens and she turns to leave.

"Come on Sang and Raven is waiting at the theater. " there is an explosion of noise and Kayli just grins and climbs in the car. Sang looks at us once more as the car pulls out of the drive.

"How could you let her leave looking like that  Owen?"

"What the heck was she wearing?"

"It's what she wasn't wearing!"

"Boys it seems we need to move up out meeting to right now. Let's go inside!"

                              ~Sang's POV~

        "Kayli can I have my jacket now." I try to sound calm but my hands are shaking. I finish pulling the pins from the bottom of the dress and shake it out. "Owen is going to kill me."

"Ahhhh Sang come one it was hilarious." She sputters and chokes out some more laughter. "I really thought North was going to swallow his tongue. "

I smooth the folds of the dress into place. And reach for the white jean jacket she pulls from her bag.  I kick off the heels and slide on the sandals she hands my back next.

"I never should have let you pin the skirt up. I mean seriously I thought I was going to be showing the world my lace panties if the wind shifted!"

"It was priceless! We will have to think of something like that to do to my guys!"

"I'm not sure Axel and Marc could handle it Kayli. Did you seriously not notice Kota counting, Silas flexing his hands, Mr. Blackbourne looked ready to blow a gasket. It won't take them long to regroup and be back in the game. This is Mr. Balckbournes team we are taking about."

Kayli settles with Corey's very wise words and starts thinking.

"Oh well it was fun to poke them when I had the chance. Let's go watch Mr. Pine and Quinto!"

I hear them begin to discuss the movie but my mind is back on Owens face. His lazer Greg eyes and the turn of his lips. I squirm a little in the seat anticipating the spanking I'm going to be getting.  Then I grin and shake it off. They deserved it and I love when Owen gets all caveman! Mr. Pine and Mr. Quinto here we come!

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