chapter 58

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       Sangs POV

     I can't even believe how nice today has been. Laying here soaking up the sun. Relaxing in the pool. The scent of Owen's roses blowing through.  When I made a salad for lunch I contemplated going in for the day but then decided to spend the rest of the afternoon out by the pool. 

   Hearing a car pull in I pop my  head up off the lounger.  It's Owen and Sean.  Sean and Owen both head to me as soon as they get out of the car.

"Hello Pookie. Did you miss me? Come give me all your love. Today must have been hard without me" I shake my head as he gets closer.  Then he is suddenly falling unto the pool.  I hop up quickly to check on him. As he breaks what he immediately turns evil eyes on Owen.

"You rotten bastard. You pushed me!" He yells.

"Me? Why would I do that? Really Sean you should know how to walk by now." Owen says it so smoothly. I would believe him if I hadn't saw the twitch of his leg as Sean started to pass him. He turns to me and raises a brow. I choke down my initial response and walk to him with an arm out. To late he realizes his mistake.  As he smacks into the water I walk to get my towel.  Wrapping it tightly I turn to face them. Two beautiful faces are grinning from the pool.

"Touché Ms. Sorenson." I say nothing as I turn back to gather my kindle and phone.  Swinging my ear buds in a cirlcle I finally glance to him.

"That's four Ms. Sorenson.  Which I believe brings your current total to 9."  I swallow thickly and nod at him.  Thinking quickly I reach behind and untie my bathing suit top. Dropping the towel and the top I turn and walk toward the house.

"An even 10 it is Ms. Sorenson." I stop, nod my head, then continue on to the house. I'm almost to the door when I giggle. I can just make out Sean getting on to Owen for ruining his new phone. I hear splashing and I sigh. I love when those two act their age. Especially Owen!

                           ~Kota's POV~

    Getting out of the job wasn't hard. Victor took over for me. As I'm driving to my moms I just keep going over what Victor and Owen had to said. Marriage.... Am I ready for that? Would she even want that? Loving her enough is not the problem. And I know I'm nothing like my father. Its just marriage is such a mature step. I thought I would be 30 before I thought of marriage. 

"How many?" Nathan asks

"62." I respond easily.

"No matter how long we are friends I don't think I will ever get over the way your brain works. How did you count those while driving, listening to music and talking to me?"

"Its just there. Kinda like how you have but to see a martial arts move and your mind disects it, puts it back together, and then your doing it."

"Anyways drop me at the house I'm going to check on the house and work out while you speak to your mom. "

"You don't want to speak to her too?"

"No.  As soon as I thought about marrying her I knew it was right for me. I need that extra commitment. Some of the others do to.  But we understand if you can't do it yet Kota. Your Dad..."

"Whooooaaaa! This has nothing to do with him. I just need to make sure its right for me. I can't just jump in. You know me better than that."

I see his hands come up and he replies.
"okay okay. I'm just saying we are all different. I get that some of us may not be ready for it. Or have fears. Its normal. Who gets married at 18 anymore?"

"Who shares one girl with 8 other men?" I ask.

"My point exactly. We aren't normal. We never were and we never will be. Just do what suits you best. The rest of us including her will stand behind you."  I pull in his drive and he jumps out.  I suck in a couple deep breaths as I finish pulling to my mom's house.

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