Chapter 8

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Owens POV~

I hate paperwork. I'm MR. BLACKBOURNE and I'm not supposed to mind paperwork but its driving me nuts. I know that I'm supposed to be calm, in control, and relaxed at all times. Yet knowing that Miss. Sorenson, my dear Sang is ready to start showing her love in a physical way has me in knots. I've been in the study for what feels like days trying to trudge through this paperwork and not think of her and Sean alone together. I know Sean wouldn't mind if I joined in but I can't let my control slip. Sean has ways of pushing my buttons till control is almost impossible in every day things. I can't chance it with Miss Sorenson near. Stop thinking about them Owen and get this paperwork done. I lean back over my desk filling in information for our last job. Next is a request for a job that only my team can do. It fills me with such pride when they specifically request my boys. I love them. Not that I would say it to them but I try to show them. 

I'm just finishing the last form when I hear soft footsteps coming down the hall. Miss. Sorenson is probably coming to say goodnight. She makes my heart smile. 

"Mr. Blackbourne... I wanted to say..."

"Miss Sorenson...". I almost choke on her name. What was Gabe thinking. She is wearing a steel gray nightgown that has pink lace straps and delicate pink lace running along the top of the sweetheart neckline. As I slowly follow it down her body I notice a split that starts at the top of her smooth thigh and runs so the bottom down around her ankles. The same soft pink lace lines the split. She takes another step towards me and the split widens. Oh god. I know I've seen her in a swimsuit but there is something so erotic about seeing her supple limbs and beautiful porcelain skin peeking out at me. I finally glance toward her face and see a soft sultry smile. My God she did this on purpose. I must remain calm. I can't scare her.

"Miss. Sorenson would you like a kiss goodnight?"

"No Owen I would like to be tucked in." Meeting my gaze I see a ton of emotions flicker through her eyes. Again Owen you have to remain calm. She holds her hand out to me. Who am I to tell Miss. Sorenson no? I can do this. I'm a big boy. I can stay calm. Her head tilts to the side and she is studying me. Can she read me? 

"Come, let's get you upstairs and in bed. I'm sure the boys have a big day planned for you tomorrow." Her shoulders slump a little and I want to smack myself for disappointing her. 

"Do they? I know I'm supposed to stay with Victor. And we have family day at Nathans on Sunday but I don't think anything else is planned."

As we slowly walk up the stairs and down the hall I start naming stocks and bonds that I've traded over the last couple years in my head. Her hips move so sensuously as she climbs the stairs. Once we reach the top I think I'm in the clear but no she drops my hand and puts an arm around me. She smells like tropical flowers after a rain. Its intoxicating. She steps ahead as we get to her room and opens the door. All the lights are off except the 2 bedside lamps. Her blankets are turned down and the throw pillows are stacked in a chair not far from the bed. Gabe needs an extra favor for this room. The colors tones and textures make her look all the more inviting. As she gets to the bed I close my eyes for a moment. She turns to face me and I look at her beautiful face. Yes I love this young woman. No I'm not going to be able to walk away. 

"Sang I love you."

"I love you as well Owen."

"I thought I could wait. I thought I was strong enough to give you more time."

"But Owen I want you now. I'm ready for more with you. All of you. Are you ready?"

"Yes Miss. Sorenson. I'm only concerned about you."

"Sean explained some. And I looked some up. So how about we pick a safe word?"

"A safe word?" She simply nods. She has put thought into this. It makes me feel so much better. "Okay Miss. Sorenson pick your word."

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