chapter 11

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Sang's POV~

Victor decides on a restaurant and we go. It small and quiet. But the decor is beautiful. We are quickly seated and the man tells us our waiter will be with us shortky. When I look at the menu I realize there aren't any prices. I've read about restaurants like this in some books. They are expensive. My finger goes to my lip and I glance around. When my gaze lands on Victor he reaches for my hand resting on the table. "Princess why are you nervous?"

"I don't want to embarrass you Victor." I look to my lap hoping he will let it go. 

"Sweetie there isn't any way you could embarrass me. You are perfection from your beautiful hair down to you little precious toes." He smiles softly and I feel the ball of tension in my stomach unwind. I smile back at him feeling way more relaxed. 

"Hello welcome to Vine. I'll be serving you today. My name is Cal." I glance up at the guy standing next to our table. He is looking at Victor. Glancing at him also I see I different Victor than my usual prince. He is sitting tall and has a bored look about him. 

"I would like a sprite please and she would like...."

"Pepsi." I answer softly.

"A Pepsi." Victor states to Cal. I watch as the two of them stare at each other. Cal finally looks away and says he will return momentarily. I look back to Victor waiting for an answer.

"Princess I know you want to know but will you trust me . let it go and I will tell you later. For now let's just enjoy ourselves." I nod giving him me assent. I can tell its bothering him. 

I change the subject and just move on as is it didn't happen. Another server finishes out our order and takes care of us while we are there. I relaxed and enjoyed my time with Victor. Laughing with him over funny stories of the boys. How Luke got caught by Gabe putting on my bra prancing around my room and Gabe chewing him out. He told me stories of previous jobs. One where Silas and North had to pretend to be a couple at a bar. I'm not sure I wanted to know that one. Victor told me to tell North that I wanted to go to Cover. The gay bar that it happened in. By the time we finished and left I had almost forgotten what happened. But as we were getting in the car I noticed someone watching from the side of the building. Victor caught where I was looking and glanced that way. He stared for a moment then dipped his chin just the slightest bit at Cal. Cal returned the gesture before turning around and walking back down the alley.

Once we were back on the road he began speaking without me saying anything. "Cal's sister was a maid at in our home about two years ago. After working for us a couple months she kept turning up in my private rooms. As you know we have maids for different parts of the house. While they sometimes cross into other parts of the house this was to often. When Kota and I finally confronted her she started crying and said I got her pregnant. I was shocked... I ... Well I had never done that Sang.". He was silent and my mind asked a million different questions. He continued almost as if I wasn't there anymore. "I tried to get her to talk to me and tell me who had really gotten her pregnant. She just kept saying it was me. Her brother Cal showed up and threatened to beat me if I didn't do right by her. I kept telling him that I hadn't done anything. Finally She came out of the house and started crying. Call took Courtney and left. She didn't show up for work the next day. My mother asked if I had seen her and I told her No. Kota and I started asking around and found out she was seeing an older man. She ended up getting rid of the baby and never came back to work. That's first time I've run in to either Cal or Courtney since then. I never did find out who the father was but I have an idea. I decided I was never going to be like that. I take sex and all things that have to do with it seriously."

He was pulling into his house as he finished. I stayed quiet waiting to see what he would say next. "Sang I love you. But I need you to understand that I have never done anything other than kiss a girl." His face was bright red but I could read the determination in his eyes. "I would like to go further with you but I just don't know what I'm doing. And with most of the other guys having already gone there I'm afraid I'll mess up." He can't look at me anymore and looks out the window. I unbuckle my seat belt and climb over into his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck he hides his face in my hair. I can feel the tension in him. He is afraid I will reject him. My poor prince. I love him. "Victor even though I have a tiny bit of experience. I have no experience with you. I have learned so far that all of us have different likes and dislikes. And I will enjoy learning yours with you. If you want to?"

"God Princess you are perfect. I want too. I want to learn everything there is to know about you. If you'll let me!"

"How about we go watch a movie and cuddle for a while?"

"Sounds good. Let me just get these bags out of the trunk."

We carry everything up to the room. Sitting in his living area we cuddle on the couch watching some movie he picked. I find myself dozing when I feel his lips on my cheek. "I love you so much Princess. So damn much."

I snuggle closer into him. He is so perfect. All of my boys have flaws no one is really perfect. But they are perfect for me. I wake up when he leans over to get the remote. "Is it over already?"

He chuckles. Its like a joke. Put in a movie and I will fall asleep. "Do you want to swim or do something else?"

"Let's swim then we can snuggle in bed."

"Those swimsuits are still in the bags in the closet do you want to head that way and change while I change out here?"

I follow him to his massive closet. He grabs some clothes and heads out the door. I walk over to the bag from macies and pull out Gabe's purchases. A pink bikini with black hearts. A purple and pink Tankini. And a white triangle top bikini with Roxy across the butt in pink and a pink heart on the left triangle. Do I dare? I decide to try it on and see how it looks and feels. I get it on quickly and stand in front of the full length mirror. It fits. Gabe is a genius. I move around making sure the bottom is going to stay in place. Its like it was made for me. Walking back over to the bag I grab out the gauzy pink wrap that he bought to match it. I tie it around my hips and nod. It looks good. Stepping into the room slowly I look for victor. He isn't in the bedroom. Going into his living area I see him by the coffee table. "Sang if your ready we can head...." He turns to look at me and stops talking. I smirk. I can't help it. Gabe really is a genius. "Princess you look beautiful." 

"Thanks Victor." I smile and walk closer to him. "Let's head to the pool. Housekeeping says my parents are out of town for the rest of the weekend. And Luke will be here later to stay the night with us.". Grabbing our phones we head down to the pool.

Its beautiful with little alcoves to sit and relax. It has a waterfall. Who has a waterfall in their pool? Victor and I swim race splash and play for a couple hours. I'm laying on a float soaking up the last of the evening rays as his phone goes off. Why can't the world leave us alone for a little while?

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