Making Up (Merome)

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This is gonna be the sequel to Die For You as requested by Mr_RandomCat , sorry if it sucks! Btw, can't think of a name for his girlfriend so she's just gonna be known as either Jerome's girlfriend, her, the girl, or she. It also picks up right where the other one ended. 

"Um, I don't know. Maybe?" The girl replied. Jerome truly wasn't even that into her, he just needed to blow off some steam and find himself a girlfriend. Without one, his mind kept wandering to the Canadian in question. It even did sometimes while he was kissing her. 'I wonder what it feels like to kiss Mitch' or 'I wonder what Mitch is doing' would always cross his mind. In fact, he had completely forgotten right now that he was SUPPOSED TO BE PAYING ATTENTION TO HIS GIRLFRIEND! (*clears throat* I didn't like the fourth wall anyway.) 

"What did you say?" Jerome asked. The girl rolled her eyes and just grabbed his wrist.

"Let's go find out." She repeated, dragging him towards the corner. He stumbled a bit at the beginning but followed her nonetheless. They searched the whole school, Jerome checking the bathrooms closely, for Mitch. He was nowhere, which was strange. "See, if that was his phone, he's gone now." 

"That doesn't make sense though. Mitch should be here by now. And he never leaves behind his phone." Jerome said, running a hand through his hair. He didn't like not wearing his Bacca hat, but she hated the thing with a passion. It made him look stupid, as she'd said. 'Mitch would never say anything like that.'

"Welp, too bad. That means more time alone." She purred in Jerome's ear. Jerome lightly pushed her back, not believing what he was hearig. Was she not listening to him? They needed to find Mitch. "What? You can't seriously still be worried. Stop worrying! I'm more important than he is!" The girl yelled.

"Not by any stretch of the imagination are you more important than Mitch. He's my best friend, and he's first priority." Jerome found himself slammed up against the lockers as Lachlan and Preston walked in. She began kissing him and he pushed away. "Leave me alone!" Jerome yelled as he finally lost it. His two friends ran over to help but Jerome shook his head no and ran out the school doors. Questions flew past him, not only from the two who had witnessed the scene but Rob and Vikk as well, who had just shown up.

"What's wrong?" Was the only question he really comprehended as he was grabbed by Rob. It definitely wasn't Rob who had asked though, it sounded like Vikk or Lachlan.

"Mitch. I don't know what or where but something's wrong with Mitch." Jerome said. No more questions were asked until Rob let out a curse and set off running. The rest followed, weaving through their now arriving classmates. 

"Mitch!" Rob yelled as they entered a park. Jerome automatically recognized the place, and knew where Mitch would be. Without drawing attention, he strayed off and ran to their secret hideout. It was hidden behind some overgrown brush, the leaves had started settling back into place. Inside, there was two large stumps whose roots overlapped and a small brook that was constantly chatting. The trees surrounding the clearing were constantly whispering while the birds sung. It made music, something that Mitch loved. Jerome smiled when he saw his friend sitting on his stump, tracing the initials they carved into the roots. 

"Mitch." His voice was barely above a whisper, but Mitch heard it. It was like when you get a text in the middle of a song, the music goes quiet for only that noise and then gets loud again. Perhaps it was the music making sure Jerome was someone it could play to and not a stranger.

"Hey dood." 


"D- don't Biggums me. Go back to school, I'm skipping today."

"Then I am too." Jerome sat down on his stump and pulled out his phone. He dialed up Rob. "I found him Rob. - Yeah he's good. - We're gonna skip today. - See ya later. Oh wait, tell the girl who asks about me to sucks someone else's d*ck. Tell her it's a message directly from me. Thanks Rob, bye."  Mitch looks at him with a slight glimmer of hope.

"What was that about?" Mitch asked, looking down at their initials. The roots they were on overlapped as if the two trees had been holding hands. If only he and Jerome could be holding hands.

"- so basically the idiot thought she was more important than you." Jerome started in the middle of a sentence, knowing Mitch was lost in thought. He was a terrible best friend, I know. Mitch looked up at Jerome's smirking face. 

"I didn't miss anything did I?" Mitch asked, scrunching up his eyebrows. Jerome shook his head no and Mitch attacked Jerome, the two rolling off the stumps. It ended with Jerome on top of Mitch, straddling his waist with his arms on either side of his head. They locked eyes for one second and then burst out laughing. Jerome rolled off of Mitch but then was quickly pulled back on. He squeaked a little, scared by the sudden movement. He placed his hands back on either side of Mitch's head and looked at him confused. "I wanna do something. You'll get pissed at me, and probably hate me, but whatever." Mitch said. Jerome nodded, giving him the okay. Mitch let out a sigh and let his eyes flutter shut. Jerome's mind clicked as to what Mitch was doing so he closed his eyes as well. Jerome leaned down as their lips connected, (fireworks exploded everywhere!!!!! That's how that works, right? Cause I have no clue, I've never kissed anyone.) fitting perfectly. Jerome's lips were slightly sticky from the girl's lipstick, but that could be fixed. Mitch propped himself up with his elbows. As they broke apart for air, the two locked eyes for one second before bursting out in laughter. 

"I- cannot- believe-" Jerome said between laughs, trying to stop. He was still seated atop of Mitch, not that either of them minded.

"Mai- gawd- Biggums. One complaint though." Mitch said as their laughter calmed down. Jerome let out a light hum, thinking he'd done something wrong. "Your lips are covered in her lipstick."

"Your's are too." Mitch eyes widened and Jerome began laughing again as Mitch wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Jerome eventually climbed off of Mitch, getting a slight whine of protest, and crawled over to his bag. He pulled out his Bacca hat and put it on his head saying "You don't think it's stupid, right?"

"Well, of course it's stupid. But stupid makes it better to me." Mitch replied with a smile. "And I'm gonna kill her for calling your hat stupid. It makes you look adorable." Mitch added the last part into Jerome's ear as he hugged him. 

*squeals* MEROME!!!!!!! *panting* *faints* TWENTY MINUTES LATER *wakes up* Wuh? *reads again* *squeals* I'm sorry, I'm quite proud of this. God, I kind of killed myself with that ending though. btw, I'm supposed to be doing a huge project due Monday but I needed a break and so TADA! I hope you like it too, cause I tried (I tried so hard and got so far! In the end, it doesn't even matter! I'll stop :( ).

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