Secrets secrets are no fun... (Any ship)

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Secrets secrets are no fun, uNtiL tHeY'Re sHarEd wItH evErYoNe.

He thought he was safe. He only told his best friend. The one who had sworn to keep all his secrets. It was the one secret that was the most important, that could destroy everything if shared. The one secret his life literally depended on.
But he couldn't keep it quiet.
His best friend told his girlfriend. And that girlfriend told all her best friends. And those best friends told their boyfriends. And those boyfriends told their friends. And the vicious spread was too far gone to stop then.
yOu dEseRVe tHiS
He wished he hadn't said anything. That he could take back telling his best friend. His best friend begged for forgiveness, but how could one forgive this? It was only a matter of time until the adults found out. And that would be the last day he breathed. He didn't understand why people were so against this. He couldn't control it. It wasn't his choice. Yet, he would still die for it. He'd be burned at the stake for his sins. Condemned by the Church. There was no escape.
wHy cOulD'nT yoU juSt bE nOrmAl?
It took two days for the adults to find out. He was taken out of class, all the students shouting slurs his way as he was dragged out. He was the Devil to them. What had he done to deserve this? Why did they hate him so much? All the Church said on the subject was that it was on the highest level of sin. But they never told you why. They never gave any reason. It didn't hurt people, kill people, destroy people's property. Why was it a sin? Why did it matter? It's not like he would have ever acted upon it. He would have followed society's norms to his death. It was just his preference. Nothing more.
saY yoUr lAst GooDbYeS
He was tied to the stake. Everything was prepared for the event that was about to occur. He looked down, ignoring all the people spitting at him and calling him those disgusting terms the Church used for it. His best friend ran up to him for a final goodbye however. He begged for forgiveness, saying he had never wanted this to happen. Tears had begun to fill his eyes. The Church officials told the boy to never ask such a sinner for forgiveness but he ignored them and pleaded with him.
"I trusted you. I loved you. And I was so stupid." The restrained boy whispered as he looked into his best friend's eyes. His best friend stood for a moment, before quickly moving forward and colliding their lips together. Gasps filled the crowd and the Church officials began to scream curses at the two. Neither cared though, this was their happiness. The other boy was tied to the opposite side of the stake, their hands wrapping together behind their backs. Both boys cried as flames began to lick at their feet.
"I loved you too. And I was so stupid too."
maY tHe fLamEs oF jUdgEmeNt coNsUme yOu

Heya. Sorry it's short. But take what you can get. Any questions, ask me. I think that's it. Until next time, Peace my Cheeses! I love you all <3

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