I Didn't Mean It (Kstar)

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People involved: JJ, Simon, Ethan, Josh, Tobi, Harry, Vik, Lachlan, Rob, Mitch, Preston, Jerome
Ships: none as of yet
Word count: 1048
Idea: JJ receives a package in his locker, the address on it blackened out with sharpie. Inside, someone left the boy quite the note. And now he needs to know who it was.
Extra notes: Part 2 of 3! Woohoo! What do you think will happen? Do you think Vik really did it? Find out in this part! Lol, for real tho, I hope you enjoy. Until next time, Peace my Cheeses! I love you all <3
End of part 1: "With that, Simon and JJ left their two friends crying at their lunch table and began towards nerd central, aka the library."

Vik didn't ever really dislike anyone. He was usually pretty carefree, kept to himself and his friends. But something about JJ had always made him angry. Perhaps it was his complete and utter lack of care for anything outside his friend group- his education included- or perhaps it was how easy he had it. In Vik's household, there were very strict rules and guidelines. Everything ran on a specific timeline. And if anything went off that timeline, Vik would have to wear long sleeves and pants the next day. Yet JJ, he seemed to have no rules at all. No expectations, no timelines, no punishments. He could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted without a second thought of its consequences. That was probably the true reason why Vik hated JJ, but he always used the first one as his excuse. He didn't need to worry his friends. At least, anymore than they already were.
So the idea had been one Vik completely hated. No one messed with JJ, and Vik would never be allowed to even think something like this. However, his friends really wanted him to do it. They promised it would be fun, that they could send it to one of their houses and have Vik sneak it into his locker. If Vik ordered it and slipped it into his locker, he didn't have to pay for any part of it. It wasn't like it was much anyway, only $3 per person. But Vik didn't know how to explain sneaking away with even three dollars. But he had regretted ever being involved since the moment he agreed. He especially hated it the moment he saw the familiar boy step foot in the library.
JJ's entrance into the library made everyone in there uncomfortable. Anyone who wasn't a nerd didn't dare enter the library, not without a reason. And Vik knew exactly what that reason was. He has shaking, cursing repetitively under his breath.
"Relax Vikky. What makes you think he's here for you?" Lachlan's words were hushed, trying not to draw attention to where they were.
"I put it in his locker today Lachlan. He must've found out. He must've." Vik's panic was now heard by Rob, the oldest of their little group.
"Don't worry Vik, alright? We won't let him do anything to you." Rob's words only comforted Vik slightly, especially as JJ himself approached their group. Behind his was the tall blond he called his best friend. Simon was usually nicer than JJ, letting Vik hold onto some hope.
"Hey, can I talk to Vik really quick?" JJ's question made the whole group tense, and Vik's eyes quickly looked away from the man before him. He knew this was a bad idea. He knew this was a bad idea. He knew this was-
"For what reason exactly?" Rob had questioned, Vik looking at his face now. His face was cold, but there was a spark of anger in it. He was trying to protect the poor boy.
"What difference does it make to you? You're not his dad."
"Jide, maybe you should-" Simon's warning was cut off too soon.
"But I am his friend and I will look out for his safety." Rob spoke, his anger now clear in voice. Vik was begging in his head for him to calm down.
"Jide, just-"
"What are you going to do about it?" JJ challenged, causing both Vik and Simon to freak out.
"Jide don't-!"
The fist that met with JJ's face came too quickly for anyone to stop. And the fist that he sent back into Rob was only a second to quick for Simon to respond. After that, however, Simon was able to pull JJ away and Mitch was up to grab Rob.
"What were you thinking-?"
"-Jide I cannot believe you just did that. Do you realize-?"
"-We're all going to get in trouble for this!" Between the two boys who were talking at once, Vik could only pick up that much. But it was definitely enough for him. He began to cry, burying his head into his knees. He was going to get in trouble. He was going to be called to the office. They were going to call home. He felt arms wrap around him, the scent telling him it was Preston. He moved further into his friend, desperate for the comfort.
"They're gonna hurt me. They're gonna hurt me and I won't be able to do anything about it and I won't be allowed back to school and-"
"Shush Vikky. JJ and Simon aren't going to hurt you. Don't worry."
"No, not them. My parents. They're gonna hurt me. Why'd I ever agree to this?" His sobs were now audible to the rest of the group, despite the fact none of the others could decipher what he was saying.
"I'm so sorry Vikky. I'm so sorry." Preston began to cry himself, because he only now understood the real reason Vik never talked about home. "I'm so sorry."
The eight boys were all sent down to the office, Jerome, Lachlan, and Preston being cleared to go. Preston desperately begged that they release Vik too, that he'd done nothing wrong. But JJ just had to bring up that Vik had in fact broken into his locker and left him a "gift" inside, which had been the start of all this. Vik was now stone-faced as he sat in the office, trying his best to act as if nothing was wrong. Mitch and Rob were desperately trying to get him to talk, but nothing would be said of what he told Preston. He shouldn't have even said it to Preston. Perhaps his parents were right, he was just a fuck-up. Whatever they would do to him, he deserved it.
Rob and JJ both received two week suspensions, for fighting on school grounds. Mitch, Simon, and Vik each got three detentions for being involved in the scuffle, but no more was looked into. They each got a call home and Rob and JJ were to be picked up now to start their suspensions. Vik's parents also insisted on picking up their son, and so he went home early. That afternoon was only the first of many miserable times for Vik.

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