The Truth (Ministar)

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People involved: Simon, Vik, mention of brothers, mention of father
Ships: Ministar-ish
Word count: 1448
Idea: He had made a multitude of mistakes, all starting from one fateful mistake. He thought it was the right choice, but he was so wrong. And now, he's here to tell you what he did. He's sworn to tell the truth, and so that's what you'll get.
Extra notes: This is sad. I don't like this. I mean, I like this. But I don't like this. Until next time, Peace my Cheeses! I love you all <3

It was the loud click of a camera snapping into place that began the video. The obnoxious red "Recording" dot blinking in the top corner. Before the lens sat a broken boy, his hair disheveled and face turned downward. You probably couldn't have even recognized him if it weren't for his signature jacket sat upon his shoulders. He never parted with that jacket, no matter what. Same with the small ring on his right pinkie finger. He only had one exception for that ring, only one person he'd ever dare give it too. And that person was stood behind the camera.
"You have their attention now. Go on, the whole world has a chance to hear now. You always said you'd love a big audience. Well here's your audience. Now tell them, tell them everything. Don't leave out one gruesome detail." The boy behind the camera spoke, his voice sounding as broken as the other looked. You couldn't see any of him on the screen; but if you could, you'd see a broken soul. Worn and tattered and frayed by use, his cheeks still adorning dried tear streaks.
"Please, please don't make me do this." His eyes looked up, to the boy behind the camera. The only boy he'd ever truly loved; the boy he'd broken with that love.
"No! I'm sick and tired of all these lies! I'm sick and tired of sitting back and watching you play every single innocent girl in our school! So tell them all the truth. Go on, tell them!" It was now that the younger who stood behind the camera began pacing, although you couldn't hear his labored breathing or panicked footsteps. He was always quiet, no matter the situation. Having raised his voice as much as he had that day made him feel disgusted with himself. But this was for the best. This had to be done.
"Please baby. I love y-" His eyes following the pacing boy.
"No." The words had stopped his pacing. "Don't you dare call me baby. Don't you dare say you love me. Not right now. Not until you fix what you've done. I don't want anything to do with you as you are now. I love the old you, the real you. With your adorable glasses and that acne that's always there, no matter how hard you try to fight it off. I love you, but I don't love how you're projecting yourself. So please, please fix this." The break could be heard at the end of his voice, signaling he was probably crying now. However, the boy behind the camera has cried himself out. No more tears were left to be shed, at least not now. Not yet.
"Alright. Fine." The boy before the lens looked into the camera, the empty black glare looking back at him. You could see his eyes were bloodshot now, swollen from crying. His blue eyes that used to shimmer always were duller now, a certain happiness missing completely from his features. It gave anyone who was watching a wave of sadness, one that went straight to their heart. Something was completely wrong. It was almost as if someone had died. And honestly, the boy staring deep into the unrelenting lens felt as if he was dead. "I guess the first thing I should do is apologize, huh? To everyone out there. To the friends I've been shit to, to all the girls I've mislead, and especially to Vik." The boy finally broke eye contact with the camera, looking to the other who stood behind it. "I ended up hurting you the most with this, and I am honestly so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have done this, it was so stupid of me. I shouldn't have ever given in, I shouldn't have accepted that offer. Fuck, I should've just told them the truth. And I'm sorry. So now, here's the truth. He's the whole-hearted, uncensored truth." The boy looked back into the camera, but was quickly intimidated and turned his head towards the window. "Around nine months ago, my brothers and I were hanging out. They were both drunk out of their minds, and I myself was more tipsy than I'd like to admit. I know drinking is illegal underage, but it was only half a beer on a Saturday night. I expected no harm could ever come out of it. Boy, was I wrong. We had gotten onto the topic of relationships, or lack thereof for me. I told them I wasn't interested in the pointless little flings of high school, I already had my eyes set on one specific person that I wanted to be able to actually build up something with. Of course, they laughed. I couldn't be serious about a relationship in high school. That's not what it's for. And so they asked if she was at least hot. And I said he's not necessarily hot- at least not to others- but I think that he's absolutely adorable. The second I finished my sentence, I wished I could take it back. The questions began: did I say he? Was their little brother a f*g (still really hate this word)? I didn't know what to say, I couldn't really tell them no. I couldn't lie to them, it seemed pointless at the time, so what else was there to do? I remained silent, trying to excuse myself from the situation. But they weren't having it- their little brother would not be broken. So they made me an offer, one I couldn't resist. If I could get a list of girls to date me or fuck me- depending on their choice for each girl- then they wouldn't tell my father about my mistake. And before you say anything, my father is very homophobic. As in "burn the f*gs at the stake" homophobic. He didn't even believe you could fix them, he thought they were cursed by the devil and needed to be slaughtered." The boy shook visibly at his own words, looking towards the boy behind the camera. "After this video gets to him, he'll kill me. I just figured I should warn you. I am so fucking sorry." His head turned down to his lap and a sob shook his hunched figure. "It would probably be for the best if you left right now. I don't want him to get you too." The boy behind the camera went to argue, but the older stopped him again. "And before you leave, I always wanted you to have this." The ring slid easily off his pinkie and he stood from his bed. The shorter boy gasped, hands quick to cover his mouth.
"Simon, I-"
"No, please just take it. It was my mother's, back when everything was happier. And I want you to keep it safe, please Vik? Don't let my father get it, please." Vik nodded, letting Simon slide the ring onto his ring finger. It fit perfectly, gleaming on the smaller hand. "Oh, and have my jacket. I don't want anything to happen to it either. That one's more of a pride thing; he hates that jacket so much. So here, just so it lasts a little longer."
"Nothing is going to happen to you Si. Please don't act like it will. Come on, we can leave right now and run together. Please, so that way you're safe." Vik finally could collect his words, clinging tight to Simon's now-uncovered forearms. The jacket was over his own arms, and he was swimming in the fabric. It smelt like Simon and it was warm. At this point, the screen had been the same background of Simon's bed with wrinkled sheets from him sitting on it. After Vik's pleas, however, the screen showed Simon once again.
"I can't leave yet Vik. I still have to tell them the truth. The whole truth. Just like they deserve." Simon's face finally met the camera again, no longer afraid of the glaring black lens. His eyes met Vik's again confidently. "You run along now Vik. Go somewhere safe. And to whomever Vik runs to, you better fucking protect him. Forever. Go along my Star, I'll see you again one day." With that, and a few more pleas from Vik, the shorter boy was pushed off and you could hear the bedroom door closed. Simon returned to his spot on the bed and stared into the black eye before him. "The first girl on my brothers' list was Ashley..."
And on Simon went, telling of all the horrible things he had done until his father got home. Once the bedroom door opened again, the feed shut off and no one ever heard from Simon again.

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