Mitch Time (Merome/JeromeASF)

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You cheeses are gonna hate me. Bold is the Date, Time of the entry-type thingy. Normal is Jerome's writing.

June 24, 1:30pm- Okay, I just realized something. Mitch left at about 1:20 this afternoon to go out somewhere. He said I wasn't allowed to know where he was going, but that I shouldn't worry about him. It would only be a quick trip, I could expect him back before I'd even notice he was gone. I had cautiously agreed, and I wish I hadn't. He's still not back yet. But he could've gotten stuck in traffic. I'll give a little while longer.

June 24, 2:15pm- I'm kinda nervous. Mitch said the trip would only take a few minutes. He said ten minutes at most. It's been an hour now. Yeah, I know Mitch has problems with time concepts but this far off? Perhaps he had just said the wrong thing. He does that a lot. I probably shouldn't worry, but it still sits uneasy with me.

June 25, 12:15am- Now I'm nervous. I've given him exactly ten hours since I've last written and he's still not home. It's past midnight now. Mitch would've told me he wasn't coming back tonight, or he would have at least called or answered my calls. I'm honestly getting worked up, and probably over nothing. Perhaps he had meant days? I sure hope not. I wish I had never just blindly let him leave. I'm such an idiot. I'm tempted to call the police to look for him, but if there's nothing wrong with him then he will get upset. I'll just give him a couple of days, that's all.

June 28, 5:21pm- Two nice police officers arrived at the house today. I invited them in and offered them drinks. One of them accepted my offer, the other overruling him and glaring at him. He was probably just trying to be nice, or perhaps he was new to all this. The stubborn, much older officer asked that I sit down, and asked if there was anyone nearby that I'd like to have with me when they told me the bad news. I shook my head no, then corrected myself with saying that I in fact did, a friend of mine named Mitch but I hadn't the slightest where he was. The younger officer sent me a sad smile and said 'that's who we're here to talk about' or something like that. I groaned and asked what Mitch had done now, to which the younger officer chuckled slightly. The older smacked his behind the head and said that this wasn't the time to laugh at people. The younge mumbled an apology and I frowned. I hadn't meant it as a joke, but that was no means to smack the poor boy. I then asked what was wrong. The older officer slowly told me about how they found a body earlier that day. That it was suspected that it was Mitch, but I'd have to come in to confirm. I shook my head and laughed. It couldn't have been Mitch, I told them. He had promised to return shortly I added and then explained his time issues. The older officer insisted that it was in fact Mitch but the younger simply stood up and sat beside me. He shooed away the older officer and hugged me. He told me his name and gave me a card with a phone number on it, telling me to call him if I ever needed someone to talk to and that I should call my friends down to Florida to visit. And so, I'm going to do just that.

July 2, 4:59pm- The boys arrived yesterday, well minus Lachlan- the cheeky Aussie missed his first flight. I gave them the number of the younger officer from a few days ago. Mitch should've been home by now though. Perhaps he meant weeks? But where could he have gone for that long? Perhaps he's visiting family. Or perhaps he found himself a girl in another state that he wanted to visit. He was probably just embarrassed about it. The boys just left to the police station though, they said he asked for them to come in. I just said okay and waved them goodbye. Rob looked like he was about to cry though, which confused me. What was happening? I would probably never know. All I know is I've got a while until 10 weeks is up. Time to start counting.

September 2, 9:31am- Mitch still isn't home. How long could this visit have lasted? The boys all left at the end of July, except Rob. He's still here, which makes me nervous. But why should I be? He's probably just in on Mitch's surprise. I'm sure that's all it is. He's being really nice to me and he looks like he's about to cry whenever I mention Mitch. Perhaps he knows where Mitch is and can't tell me, that's gotta be it. I've asked him before and he just tears up and tells me he's not allowed to share, that he couldn't stomach the guilt of having told me. I figured it was supposed to be a surprise and that's why he couldn't tell me. That's gotta be it, right? I mean, if he's gone for ten months then it's really gotta be important. I mean, he must've meant ten months. What other options could there have been? It wasn't ten minutes, or ten hours, or ten days, or ten weeks. 10 months is the next best thing! I suppose I'll just wait until then.

April 24 (the next year), 2:45pm- So I guess it wasn't ten months. Now I'm worried. But Mitch promised he'd come home, so I have nothing to fret. Rob left last year around Christmas time, apologizing greatly for not being able to stay with me. I told him not to worry, Mitch would be home soon enough. Rob teared up when I said this but then smiled and nodded at me. I don't understand what's bothering him so much. The boys are constantly talking to me over Skype though, which confuses me. Was there something wrong? Could it have been about Mitch? No, he wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't just leave me like that. He promised to come home, so I'll be waiting. In fact, I'm probably going to spend the rest of the time until he gets home watching for him. I'm going to go do that now!

April 30, who cares about the time?- I doubt anyone will ever read this, but for some reason I feel- obligated I guess to tell you guys the news. This is Lachlan, by the way. Jerome, well, he was submitted into a mental ward yesterday. Mitch has been dead, invade you couldn't tell, for almost a year now. And Jerome wouldn't accept the truth, no matter how many times we told him. He swears that as soon as Mitch gets back he'll get Jerome out of there. I feel horrid that he has to go through that. He shouldn't ever have to go through that. His best friend killed himself, and I don't blame him for not believing it. In a way, I kinda wish Mitch would come home soon. But, it'll never happen. He's not coming back.

And now you all hate me :D. You're welcome my cheeses! Sorry updates are rare, life and school are very stressful rn. I love you all!!! Until next time, Peace my Cheeses! <3

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