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Shota's smirk was creeping the class out. It was rare that the lazy teacher would have any emotion on his face. The class pondered what was going to happen when the Wild Wild Pussy Cats jumped in front of them. Of course anytime Izuku sees a pro hero, he started geeking out.

"Izuku, stop your muttering. I'm sleeping," Shoto yawned.

"Shoto, get up. I think something about to happen."

Kaminari and Mina started running towards the bus. They made only a couple steps when the earth threw them down the cliff to the base of the forest. Only a handful of students landed on their feet. One of them being Shoto.

"Dude, you were asleep. How did manage to be on your feet?" Kaminari asked Shoto. Kaminari was standing up from the ground dusting off his pants and Shoto just shrugged.

"Damn bastard would start training camp before we even got to the place. No wonder he had that creepy smirk," Katsuki complained.

"Let's just get through this so we can have lunch!" Izuku encouraged.

They didn't make it back to the camp till well into the evening. There were plenty of mud monsters blocking the way. The rugged terrain didn't help either. The entire class was a panting mess when they arrived through the trees, may collapsing on each other.

"That took you all a lot shorter than I expected," Shota said smirking.

"Shorter? Not longer? I thought you said lunch time."

"If us pros did it maybe, but for you brats I figured it would be a lot later. So good job I guess," he shrugged.

"We made you kittens dinner! Come get some while it's hot."

The class groaned while taking seats around the tables. Food being placed in front of them. The food was quickly obliterated. Kota was a little boy keeping his distance from the hero's and was the nephew of the Pussy Cats.

Later that night the class enjoyed a nice bath. A minor incident with the resident pervert caused Kota to fall off the wall. Izuku quickly caught him and brought him to Mandalay. There he learned that Kota's parents had died. Izuku felt for the boy and went to snuggle with his now clean boy friends.

The boys were not settling down to sleep. Kaminari and Sero were currently taping Mineta up to prevent any more accidents. A spooning train was coming from our favorite trio. Ignoring the comments from the other boys to stop showing affection. Ayoyama was staring at himself in a mirror saying who knows what in French. Kota silently slept in the corner trying to avoid the ruckus. Sato stuffing his face with sweets.

"SILENCE," Shota had slammed open then door. His quirk activated.

"Sorry sensei," Kirishima bowed.

The boys scurried to their beds pretending to be asleep. It ended up working out for Izuku, he fell right asleep now that their was peace and quiet. He was in the middle of Shoto and Katsuki, smiling peacefully in his sleep.

The door slammed open, "rise and shine boys. The girls are already awake. It's time to train," said.

"Ugh, why is it so early," Kaminari groaned.

The sun was just barely rising, as the training began. Shota had wanted to work personally with Izuku and that he did. It was utter hell as Izuku described.

"You want me to do what?" Izuku asked his dad.

"At the USJ you redirected everyone's injuries to yourself so I want to see if you can repeat the process and once we do that see if you can change where the injuries go on your body."

"Okay. But I don't even know how it happened."

"Think about what happened or what you were feeling and try to recreate that."

"Ummm. Okay. Let's see. I had watched you get badly hurt."

"And then?"

"Then All Might was getting hurt. They were hurting his bad side. I had already done nothing to help you and I didn't want to see All Might get hurt too. His quirk was weakening because of me. I just wanted to help."

A flash of green lightening flicked off Izuku. A couple more did as he replayed the events of the USJ attack. He saw the bloodied faces of his mentors.

"Okay Izuku. Now, activate your quirk and focus on me."

Izuku did as he was told. He looked at Shota and the lightening hit him.

"Perfect. Now let's see if it's working," Shota said pulling out his knife. He lightly pricked his finger.

He didn't feel anything and saw Izuku's finger had a small cut.

"I think it worked."

"Good. Now see if you can move where the cut appears."

Izuku stared at his finger for a long time but nothing was happening. He kept focusing. Nothing was happening. It was now lunch time and Shota had removed the knife. He brought out a bandage from his belt and wrapped it around his finger.

"Good job son."

"But I didn't do anything?"

"You recreated what you did and held it for over two hours. I think that's pretty damn good if you ask me."

"It's been two hours?"

"Yes. Now let's get something to eat and we'll pick this up after."

"Okay," Izuku took a step and felt his head get dizzy.

"Izuku, are you alright?"

"N-no," Izuku started falling but Shota quickly caught him. He picked him up and carried him over his shoulder back to the class.

"Alright everyone. It's lunch time. You have one hour then be back here."

"What happened to Deku?" Katsuki asked.

"Quirk overuse I think," Shota shrugged handing him to Katsuki.

Katsuki vein was popping out of his temple. He was angry Shota pushed him too much but he was a pro and knew what he was doing. Katsuki took Izuku and headed towards the food. Shoto soon joining after getting out of a barrel and drying his clothes. Izuku did wake up to eat and continue to train later in the evening.

This training all continued for another two days before a string of unfortunate events would happen.

Have a nice week everyone. -L

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