Chapter 6

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Abby Miller
"Abby?" my mom opens the front door of her house with a smile.

"Hi mom," I smile back.

"Oh my god," she pulls me in for a hug but I arch out of it so my bump doesn't touch her. "Come in!" she pulls away and stands to the side.

I smile and walk in, seeing the house I remember growing up in. I had the papers for her to sign for me to go on tour with the boys for her to hopefully sign and let me go.

I wasn't going to tell her about the baby, I didn't know how to.

"Would you like anything to drink?" she offers but I shake my head.

"No thank you," I tuck hair behind my ear.

"So, how have you been?" she asks as I sit down, swimming in Niall's hoodie he leant me for this moment.

"Im 8 weeks pregnant, was knocked up by a celebrity, I broke up with my boyfriend and Im going to travel the world," I thought to myself.

"Yeah, good, you?" I smile and nod.

"Yeah, not to bad, miss having you here," she pouts. "So how are you and Harrison?" she asks. Harrison my ex boyfriend who I broke up with when I found him with another girl, moaning my name.

"Oh...y-yeah he's...good," I lie, I couldn't hit them with bad news.

"That's good, tell him I said hi," she grins.


"What's the paper for?"

"Oh, I um," I look at the papers. "I got invited to go on tour with One Direction," I smile but she furrows her brows.

"Hmm," she reaches out to take the paper from me.

Her brown eyes skim the paper, folding it over and reading. "Holy shit you're not joking," she looks up at me as I nod.

"6 months...that's a long time," she says quietly.

I close my eyes and pray she'll say yes. "Yeah, but I'll keep in touch," I persuaded.

" long until this sheet has to go back?"


"That's not long to think about it,"

"I'll keep in touch and send you lots of photos and call you every night!" I pout.

"You're very lucky," she stands up and goes to the kitchen. "You better keep in touch Abby, I miss you enough already," she says, handing me signed papers.

"Thanks mom!" I jump up and hug her tightly.

"Mhm," she hums.


I stayed at my moms for a bit and then I left and she actually didn't notice my bump because of the hoodie however, whatever she was making for dinner was brutal and made me want to throw up so I had to leave so I could.

I threw up in a McDonalds paper bag that I found on the floor of my car and then found a bin to put it in after - it smelt like wet paint in her house and it made me puke.

I made it back to Niall's house and gave him the slip and he was happy my mom signed it. "Did you tell your mom about the baby?" he asks.

"," I shake my head and pick at my pink nails with many chips in the polish. "Why not?"

"Cause I don't want her to know yet,"

"But...she's your mom,"

"Yeah...we'll them tell yours first,"

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