120. Opinion changes

213 37 29

"Doll please talk to me once,

I can explain" sid said making siya anger

"If you are angry on me then slap me but please talk with me" sid begged siya

"Slap, seriously" siya laughed hiding her pain

"Anyway, what you want to talk..

How you didn't trust me or about how you left me" siya snapped making sid silence while his head hung low.

He know, he made siya hurt and he is ready to face her wrath instead of her silence.

Her eyes became red showing her pain and agony.

"It's not..

"Just keep your mouth shut Mr. Malhotra.

You don't have any right to talk with me and stop irritating me like this" siya said seriously where sid requested "please"ko l

"I will ask you something will you say truth" siya asked

"It's okay, even though you didn't. I won't mind as I know very well that you won't..

Didn't you get one minute in this one year to give reply to any of my message or call" siya continued where sid head hung low.

"When you don't even have a time to say a word then I guess there is nothing to talk now" siya said strongly as if she is the ruler

"Doll, please listen to me once" sid requested where siya laughed

"I don't want to listen and think about what happen that you took this decision.

Because now, you are nothing to me then what is the use to talk about the past." Siya said calmly

"Moreover, I can't do anything with your explanation now. So what is the use to have a talk." Siya said


"Yeah doll, finally you made me a doll and played with me right..

You know what, if you ask me to leave I could have done with smile.

Even though you don't want to say your issue or problems that you took decision and inform me.

I could have accept it happily.

I didn't get one think, did I force you with my decisions anytime

Did I force you to marry me anytime..

Didn't I listen to you or respect you about the thing you took decision..

Then why you left me like that as if I'm a waste paper.

What I did that you lost the trust on me that you didn't even wish to say that you lost interest on me that you find someone suitable to you..

I always feel, whatever it is either it's happy or sad we both will take a decision and stick to it even though the decision hurts.

You know why I thought like that" siya tears rolled down where sid glistening with tears

"Because I thought we trust each other that even our parents won't accept us we will wait or we will think or move on but sooner or the later I learnt you never trust me that it was me who trust you that today I stood like this infront of you" siya said.

"I already sent the resignation, as we need to inform three months before and by the time my contract with this company will be closed" siya said and moved towards the door

"Anyway, thank you so much for coming into my life because I realised between fake and fair people.

I always think my family don't love me much but you know what, they are with me as they are instead of cheating me even though they don't trust me they never left me in middle till now and will never leave me in future too.

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