The Child

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It was dark. I remember running away. My newest foster mommy was being loud again. I couldn't understand what I did to make her angry. She raised her hands and went SMACK!! on my head. it hurt. I ran. then a scary horse came to me. It was pulling a big thing behind it. I went inside to hide from my foster mommy. It had a weird bed inside and I was so tired. climbing inside I started to fall asleep to a voice.

"ah...My beloved child"

"my glorious, beautiful flower of evil yet to bloom"

"you are the fairest of all the land"

"Mirror, Mirror, pray tell. who is the most--?"

I felt the bed I layed in move a little as I closed my eyes yawning.

"You who has been summoned by the mirror of darkness"

"Listen to you heart's desire and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror"

"Do not let go of the hand, at all costs"

I smiled softly feeling warm and safe while the voice talked to me. drifting me off to sleep.

When I woke up it was to a different voice and the weird bed shaking alot. rubbing my eyes I yawned and jumped when the voice spoke again. This one higher and rushed. Like they really had to go potty but your stupid foster brother was in the bathroom and took like a really long time even though you really had to go.

"I better hurry and find that uniform before someone spots me! Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton!" the bed shook again and I covered my head to hide. the voice sounded mad.

"Try this on for Size!! MYA-HA!" a bright blue light suddenly lit up above me. I screamed and hid in the large outfit I was wearing. It was different then what I had on before. It was really big and had a hood. My foster mommy never let me wear hoods she said it looked dirty but right now it was perfect. Like a tent I could hide in. Shaking I closed my eyes with my hands. I remember in one of the old places someone said if you get scared to cover your eyes. If you cant see them they cant see you.

"now to grab the goods...What?? You ain't supposed to be awake!" Stupid foster parents they lied!!! Cracking an eye open I scooted back to the end of the bed.

"a-ah talking animal!!" The animal huffed and squinted their eyes at me before yelling.

"How...HOW DARE YOU!! I am not just some animal! I am Grim, scorcerer extraordinaire! Tch. Whatever. You...tiny human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it" Grim raised his paw and made a gimme sign with his hand. I pouted at him. I didn't wanna give him my clothes. then I would be nakey!

"'Cause if you don''re gonna regret it!" I stood and backed out of the bed whimpering.

"s-somebody help!" I yelled hopping someone would hear but it looked like I was alone.

"Hey, come on! I'm on a tight schedule here!" Grim said blowing blue fire at me. Screaming I ran off trying to dodge him as he chased me. Taking a sharp turn I opened a door and closed it behind me. the room was full of books. It must be a library. taking a deep breath I looked around. There were so many books here. More then the library at home had.

"what is this place? where did the horsie take me?" I wondered aloud. Just then the door burst open with those blue flames catching my long sleeve on fire. I shook it yelling for help again as I wagged my arm hopping to put it out. It hurt my hand and I felt tears fall down my cheeks from the pain.

"foolish human! Did you really think you could slip from ME? Now, unless you wanna get burned more take off that- ME-YOEW!!! That hurt! What gives?" Looking up I found Grim wrapped in a long leathery rope and a man standing behind him.

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now