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The Day of the Starsending Papa said there wasn't any classes so I got to wake up with Papa Waking me and saying he had Breakfast ready. I liked morning like this. It meant I got more Papa time! He picked me up and I put my head on his shoulder still tired. 

Marty was in the kitchen and chuckled floating over and touching my head. His hand felt cold like most Ghosties did. He told me good morning and that him and his Brothers had made lots of yummy food. Papa let me sit on his lap while we ate. 

I liked when we had Late mornings cause Papa was always still in his Pjs and he had funny Pjs. He had one with spots all over it this morning. Papa drank his coffee and we ate together. Grim came down soon after and ate to. 

"Puppy, Do you remember what today is?" He asked with a smile. I grinned and nodded.

"ya! Today is when the Stars get Sent and Idia and Trey and Deuce gosta do their Dancing and Drums right!?" Papa chuckled and nodded hugging me.

"Just so, Did you remember to make your wish?" I smiled up at him.

'Mmhmm, But Me and Ortho shared cause he didn't has a Star to wish with." He gave me a small smile.

"That was very kind of you. I'm sure he appreciated it quite a bit. Now the Event doesn't happen until it gets dark but I know that there will be a special dinner. So instead of eating at home we will be Dining with the Students. Is that alright?" I nodded with a big smile.

"Yea!! Then I can see Hornton and Lilia and everyone! And we can all eat together." Papa gave me a tired smile and nodded.

'Agreed. I think it will be quite enjoyable. Until then though. How about we have a Papa Puppy day? We can work on your Embroidery and Play and read stories until the event" I made my eyes go all big cause this means I could have papa all day at home! No Dire, No Errands and walking, No nothing but Papa and I having fun!

"Please!" I said. Papa gave me a big big smile and hugged me.

"Then it's a plan. After Breakfast then?" I nodded. We ate quickly after that. Grim went off cause he was going to see Jack about something but I don't know what. Grim did that sometimes where he ran off. Papa said it was because he wanted to be seen like a regular student and not Just a Beast who got in. I think that was silly though cause Grim was a real student. He worked hard. He learned from Azul to do his own work.

The whole day Papa and I did stuffs together. He played games with me and showed me how to play a game called 4 kings in a corner. He said it was a good way to learn to count and learn Royal rankings. It was a fun game! I think Papa let me win though. After that how taught me how to do Embroidery. He said it was simply. That you draw a picture and then you use the Thread to color it in. Papa's were alot alot prettier then mine but I really wanted to get it right. I wanted to make Papa proud.

We did that for a long time until I started getting sleepy. Papa let me sleep on the couch with him and we got to take a Afternoon nap. We had to eat lunch after though. After our nap and lunch Papa and I started playing some smaller games until he said it was time to get ready. He got dressed in his regular suit and his Fluffy Coat. he helped me get dressed to cause he said he wanted me to dress nice for my first Starsending.

He got me dressed in a dark blue vest and Pants and a Black button down shirt. I even had a star where the Top buttons were. He said it was a Broach but it kinda looked like a Pin like I see some boys have on their Book Bags.

He brushed my hair and put a little moon to hold it back. He said special days mean dress up extra special to. Papa and I waited till it was dark before heading to the school. There we all ate with the Students. Dire sat with Papa and me. I think people were nervous with Papa and Dire though so none of the Students came over. But Uncle Ashton did and Grandpa Mozus! Grandpa let Lucius sit in my lap. He said I wasn't allowed to feed him any of my food though. But I snuck him some chicken when he wasn't looking. 

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now