Outing and Results

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The next morning Papa took me out to the Village. It was fun there. We had to fly there on a broom! I didn't know we were on an island. Papa said it was for Protection but I don't know what we need Protection from.

 There was alot of people in the village, like during the Tournament! Papa took me to a café for Lunch and said I could get anything I wanted! I asked for one of the Sandwiches they had and I asked Papa if I could have some Tea. After having some with Lilia and Silver I learned I really liked it! Papa said it was ok.

 He got me A Tea called Siren song. I asked the counter person if they knew what Siren song had in it and they said it had Lavender and Lime powder in it! I didn't know Lime could turn into a Powder! Papa said it could as long as you did it correctly.  

We ate and Drank out stuff. Papa took me to a store with clothes in it. He let me pick 5 different shirts. I picked one with a ghostie on it, one with the statue Kitty on it, and a bunch others. Papa then took me to a story with lots of cloths in it. Papa said it was a Fabric store. He told me he liked to make clothing and sold it as a part time job. I didn't know that but I guess Papa sells them online he said. He walked though the store with me in his arms and always asked me what I thought of a fabric or if I like the color or how its felt. I liked being Papa's helper. 

After the Fabric store Papa shrank all the stuff we bought and put it in his coat. he took us a person selling food in cups, the cups had lots of little sweets decorating it. Papa said they were called Crepe Cones, And I got to pick what was inside mine! I picked one with Strawberries in it and Bananas! Papa chose one with Green stuff and Strawberries. 

When I asked what the green stuff was Papa said it was something called Mocha. and that I could have a taste. I like Mocha it was like Cold Tea. Papa told me they even make Mocha teas and that the stuff in his was just made with the powder they use in the tea, but that I could only have it if it was morning time cause it had Caffeine in it. I think that's what's in coffee to so Idk If I will like it.  

Papa took me home after that. he took all the stuff inside and let me help put it away. It was a really fun day. Grim didn't come with. He said he was gonna do something by himself. I hope Grim is ok. 


 A week passed and Grim was turning more and more into himself again. He and Ace fought Sometimes but they always seemed to stop before they actually used there magic. I think it was weird cause before that never stopped them. Deuce thought it was strange to. 

Today was the day Exam results were posted. Grim had tired to get Papa to tell him how he did but Papa refused to tell him! Deuce held my hand as we walked to the results Lots a students stood around the Bored and alot were being really loud about it. most were upset. Grim pushed people out of the way with Ace. Deuce waited with me before he walked up to.

"Okay, Where am I in the top Fifty?" Grim grinned I smiled. This was Happy grim back!.

"With an average score of over 90, we've gotta be in there, Right? " Ace said gulping and him and Grim looked from the top and slowly followed to the bottom. During the Week I heard Papa say that The exam was the same as last year. 

"First ten places....nope twenty?.... Nope...Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty?.. nope wait a minute- I ain't in here at all!" Grim says his ears folding back. Ace wasn't any better he went really pale and gulped. Deuce let go of my hand and started looking to.

"N-neither am I... " Deuce said running a hand through his hair. I looked at them why were they so sad about not being in the first Fifty? that seemed silly. they still did really well on their tests! Ace got 92! Deuce got 90, and Grim got 85. They did really really good. so why were they so sad.

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