Ghost Invasion

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The next weekend Papa did just like he promised. He took me out to the town down the Hill and we got Ice cream and he got his coffee one he likes. I didn't know if I liked the person with the scissors that went Chop Chop on me hair but It made my head feel all light afterwards!! Papa even sat down and he got his cut to!! I shook my head and papa laughed at me as little hairs fell from my head.

"Haha Careful Puppy" He chuckled as he picked me up. Rubbing my freshly cut head.

"Perfect, As always Josey." Papa gave Ms. Josey some of the paper from before and told her to "Keep the change". He then took us out for Lunch. I really liked eating with papa and going out with him. He even took me to a beach here. It was still cold but Papa said that when it got warmer I could come and swim here. By the end of the day I was really really tired and Papa had to hold me to get us home.

That night He helped me with my Bath and he let me pick the book. It was just like before. We came home, Had dinner, Then Bath Time, Then book Work time, Then Bed time and story time. I liked spending time with him like this. I really really missed him. Like alot alot. After the story I started to rub my eyes a little. Papa looked down at me and took a breath. He pet my head and waited Till My eyes stopped making their tears. 

"I missed you puppy. So So much" Looking up at him his eyes made their tears to. I reached up and whipped them away.

"Papa, gots ta be careful or you make your Make up go runny" Papa chuckled and nodded taking a hankie out and going Dab Dab Dab on his eyes.

"Oh yes, You are quite right. I just did not realize how busy I had been until I finally got to spend time with my Little Yuu." Hugging him I nodded.

"I missed you to papa. SO lots! I missed Dinner time and Getting readies in the Mornings! I missed my papa alot alot" Hugging me back he nodded.

"Well, I believe It will be some time before that happens again. For now we can just relax and go back to our Routine" Giving me one last squeeze hug he tucked me in with Sir Hornton and Spot before kissing my head.

"I love you Puppy, Get some sleep tonight" I nodded.

"Love you Papa, Nighty Night"


The next day We all sat and had Breakfast. Papa was in his cleaning clothes. He was letting me help and Grim was complaining. It was alot of fun. I liked helping What was weird though was that Barley, Marty, and Lee were gone. Papa said that they hadn't helped with Breakfast either. It was really really weird. While I was helping Sweep and Grim was whipping the Walls. Papa walked up with the water to Mop. 

"NOW SEE HERE!!" I jumped and Papa had to drop the water to catch me.

"Puppy!" He yelled Holding me to him as Three Ghosts Appeared. But they weren't like Our Family Ghosties. These ones were all in Uniforms.

"MYAH!" Grim yelped jumping onto Papa's leg.

"What are you Filthy vermin doing here?" One asked. Grim glared and let go of Papa who took a breath.

"Who are these Guys" He grumbled.

"This Domicile is the Princess's Guest house. Outsiders are strictly Forbidden!" He yelled. I hid in Papa's shoulder while Papa narrowed his eyes then shook his head.

"Dire so help me-" He muttered before clearing his throat.

"I see, We are sorry we were made unaware. You see we stay here the rest of the year and did Not know that her Highness would be appearing. If you will allow us to Grab out things we will get out" I looked up at Papa and sniffed. Papa rubbed my back as the Ghosts looked at eachother.

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