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I dreamt of a big rock. I saw some animals in the middle of it, there was so much wing. A monkey was carrying something and a big kitty was walking behind hid. then a bird flew by. the monkey lifted up something yellow to the sky and the sun shined on the something. then there was a loud ROAR!

 I woke up to Grim Hitting my in the face with his tail. Sticking out my tongue and batted it away and got out of bed. it has been a few days sense the UnBirthday party and when Master Crewel took me to the nurse They said I should be ok to walk on my own now. but still had to be Extra careful with stairs. Going to my Dresser I took out a my School clothes and got dressed. I would ask Master Crewel to help me with the buttons. Maybe if I saw barley he would help me.

"Myaah.... Thass whatchu get....Fe crossin' Grim da Mightyyy..." I giggled at grim talking in his sleep. he always says the funnyest things. Master Crewel tried to get Grim to sleep in a different room but Grim would say he slept in mine before Master Crewel came so he was staying. I told Master Crewel I didn't mind. Grim was soft and warm.  I grabbed spot look at Grim.

"Grim....Grim wakey up!" I shook him.

"That's right! Cower before me , Teapot Tyrant..... BWUH- MYAH!!" he yelped falling out of the bed when he tried to turn away form me. I giggled louder and Lee peeked his head into the room.

"Yuu, Grim good your both up. Need a hand kiddo?" I nodded and Lee buttoned my shirt for me.

"huh?.. Where am I" grim muttered getting up and looking around.

"aw man! I was dreaming that  I was trouncing Riddle with my magic... You shoulda seen his face" grim pouted. I patted his head.

"It's ok Grim maybe next time" he nodded still pouting sadly.

"Yaaa... Alright! Lemmee just fix my bedhead. Then it's off to class! I've got magic to master" Grim yelled running to the mirror and grabbing the bush. after that he rushed downstairs. Lee and I watched before giggling.  

Opening my door I smelled Master Crewel downstairs cooking breakfast. Lee floated behind me with a big smile and watched as I sat on the stairs and went down one at a time. Lately I always had one of the Ghost brothers watching me to make sure I stayed safe. it was normally when Master Crewel was super busy. getting down them finally I stood and patted any Dirty stuff from my booty then ran to the kitchen.

"Good Morning Master Crewel!" I yelled. He chucked and bent down catching me as I ran to hug him.

"Well well look what I have caught, a little pound puppy! maybe I should look into a new career as a Dog Catcher." I giggled as he hugged me and shook my head.

"No! you do Sciencey stuff!" he snickered and nodded.

"yes perhaps I should stick with my "Scieney stuff" he chucked then set me at the table giving me some porridge. he then put down some Omni Rice and bacon onto the table. Grim grabbed some bacon and started eating right away. 

"Puppy today I will be allowing you to go with your strays around the school again" Master Crewel for the past few days have been making me stay with him in his class. He said it was part of my punishment. that was ok though cause I got to learn alot about plants and things.  I even got to see all the classes! Kitty was in one. he said his name is Leona though. Master Crewel looked like he was trying not to laugh when I ran up to kitty. 

then there was Silver and Kalim who were both in the same class! I got to sit inbetween them! Master Crewel said as long as I didn't distract anyone I could sit by whoever I wanted. it was really hard not to distract when Kalim and silver where there. Silver kept almost falling asleep so I had to keep waking him up. when I asked Master Crewel why Silver was so sleepy he said he had a sickness where he randomly falls asleep called Narcolepsy . I never heard of that kinda sickness. 

Child in collage ((twisted wonderland fanfic))Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang